😠 The Little Annoyances Of Everyday Life (Part 1)

This weekend, we celebrate National Day.

We get a public holiday (long weekend) every year (that co-incides with the Rugby 7’s).

Almost every car has a UAE flag on it. Tower Blocks have massive flags draped over them, Even our Apartment foyer has flags and balloons.

Events and celebrations (to which EVERYONE is invited) are happening all across the City, especially a number of maasive firework displays. The Nation takes PRIDE in it’s existence.

And then we’ve got England who won’t have a National Day in case it offends someone.

People offering ‘£17 cash’ for something you are selling for £20. Haggling I can cope with, but why say cash? We’re on gumtree mate, i don’t accept Amex!

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They get full beam if I am at traffic lights. It is so thoughtless and selfish - such is the way of car drivers / most people today.

Those “pleas” on FB & Twitter because someone has had their phone/laptop nicked and they have “irreplaceable” photos on them.

FFS people, it’s 2017, you still don’t know how to sync to the cloud?


Yeah that too. Or when they agree to come and collect it and never show up. Ghosted on gumtree.

Toys R Us are going to close 25 stores. News breaks at Xmas. WTF?

How on earth is this one of those everyday annoyances?

If you’re not going to show respect to the threads and this site then you need to consider your future here.

Apologies if this seems harsh, but I’m happy to talk further about it on the Friday night pissed thread.


What is more important? The possibility that a senior MP spends his time at work looking at porn or that the police overstepped the mark by exposing the fact? It seems now that Green will get off the hook because the media are now questioning the conduct of the investigating officer. As he said, if police were caught looking at porn whilst working they would lose their job. Why is it different for an MP?

This is very much a common sense thing to me.

If anyone of us had been caught by the IT Thought Police on this at work, we’d likely be marched out of the premises by security.

We would not get away with it by saying “but IT security was looking at my computer!”.

If green was responsible for looking at porn at work, he should go. However they should also lob the book at the copper who took it upon himself to breach confidentiality and go public. That is not a good road to go down.

He sounds state school educated. No dice.

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@sadoldgit I just googled and found your neighbour and tha incident. Blimey indeed. I hope he was booted out of the council for that incident. Sadly a lot of angry idiots in this world and sometimes we have to live next to them.

I would imagine that the busiest period for Toys R Us is during the run up to Christmas i.e. now. I would also imagine that many people would be planning to do their Christmas shopping in Toys R Us. This leads me to believe that closing many of these shops will cause an element of annoyance. Apologies if I have got this wrong. I also assume that a number of people will lose their jobs at Christmas. Perhaps causing an element of annoyance?



Been sucked in to watch Series 1 to 3 of Ray Donovan free on Amazon Prime only to find it will now cost me 25 quid to watch Series 4. Bastards.

It’s a cracking programme though, so worth sticking with if you like what you’ve seen thus far.

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Yep I’m enjoying it…just moaning about having to pay.

The panic is over anyway. The shops won’t close until the Spring. Christmas is saved. Hurrah!

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Self service tills :lou_facepalm_2:

Queuing to use self service tills cos it is the “quick option” only to be stuck behind some technology challenged fuckwit