The Famous Cracked Rib Name Change Poll !VOTING NOW CLOSED!

What a day! finally after waiting so long, the waiting is over and you can now vote for my new name. The Rib/s are healed (albeit I sadly still suffer pain when ‘heavy breathing’ - which at least keeps me off the phone at night)

First up - the serious bit. Thank you for donating a few more quids to Goatboy’s charity for the kids at the hospital. Much appreciated.

Some may think (given the choices above) that I may have sold my naming rights too cheap, but by being cheap, I hope to encourage **others to do the same ** - that way The Goat will still be a boy as opposed to a Goatteenager or even Goatman when he gets to the total. It will also cause much confusion amongst us all on the site which will be funnies.(Copyrights Bearsy)

So vote away. We will take the result as of 12.00 NOON Friday 20th November 2015. It may then take the pap a while to change my name/log in etc whilst maintaining ALL points etc… but it will be done. I am sure I will get many vote ups for being such a stand up geezer and pap will provide many bonus points and invent new badge in my honour … even if my new name is shit. :lou_is_a_flirt:

Happy voting dudes

  • Rib Eye
  • Ruffled Rib
  • Rib
  • Mended Rib
  • Gay Abandon
  • Cracked Nob
  • Cracked Rib (no change because it’s already a top name)
  • Crab Dicker
  • Spare Rib
  • My small dick seems to satisfy Bletchy
  • Gotafix
  • Cacked Pants

0 voters


Well no early leaders - neck and neck…long way to go yet mind… let build some excitement!

Cracked Nob surges ahead, but faces stiff competition

Cracked Nob extends its leads

How many more knob jokes can we Crack…

Well I paid a fiver to be satisfied by your small dick, but in the end I went with gay abandon.

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Truely ‘entering’ the spirit there Bletch - salutations!

Doesn’t it worry you that you may become this forum’s MK Dons - yes, you’ll have changed your name, but can you really keep the history that goes with your original name? Will the blessed and beloved denizens of this forum see your posts and think to themselves: “Hmm. Crab Dicker. Used to be a poster called Cracked Rib, had some history and a load of upvotes back in the day, but he’s just a fucking franchise/anagram* now.”?

*Delete as appropriate

To be honest… it does keep me awake at night. The acumulated kudos and fine reputation painstakingly cultured over these monumental… last 4 weeks, could easily be lost, with cult members quickly forgetting all that I have brought to papsweb. A reputation that took 4 weeks to build, lost in a mere… 3-4 weeks. But I usually manage to get to sleep after a few fine malts and knocking one out.

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So let’s recap. After the first hour of tense voting Just edging out on front is Cracked Nob. Comming quickly with Gay Abandon are the remaining Ribs: Rib, Cracked and Spare, with Crab Dicker in hot pursuit… What will the morning reveal?

Still just over 38 hours to go before the polls close. How will be cope?

However, the lack of blessings and recognition for this nobel selfless act which is surely worthy of a new badge and multiples of points from the pap is disappointing… :lou_sad:

Dropping a big hint there. Mind you, if Henry Kissinger can get one…

Indeed. If no point/badge is forthcoming, will need to nobble him…

Looks lke Cracked Nob and Gay Abandon are now neck and neck - where will it end folks? Will one of these two take the glory, or will victory belong to late starter?

Had I been from certain northern quarters, I could have used the anagram ‘Bricked Car’ lols…

I think “Gay Abandon” is making a strong challenge from behind and will hopefully slip in effortlessly to take the honours.

Indeed Gay Abandon races into the lead with gay abandon - I am sure/hopeful one of the late starters will surpass this before high noon tomorrow :lou_surprised:

Do you think people are dileberately voting because they don’t think you’re a prick but, in fact, a happy chap who was found on the doorstep of the local church?

Who can tell how the minds of the strange folk of papsweb work - mostly filled with a muddle of smut and cock fixations…alas I appear to be doomed and will have to start practicing suffixing each post with ‘dear boy’

… If I had followed the actual rules, gay Abandon should not have been allowed as came in after the official cosing date… could be a useful loophole… :lou_sunglasses:

What’s that? The artist soon-to-be-known as Gay Abandon attempting to subvert the rules of democracy? :lou_smiley:

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