🇸🇾 Syria

Between this and the zombie burns victim footage, the cumulative evidence is there that this atrocity was staged.

The problem is that the other narrative has been well and truly established, “randoms” like Bell-end-cat are treated with the utmost gravity and attention, while the OPCW is politically pressured into self-censoring its report.

The good news is that less people believe this shit than ever before, and a growing proportion of the population is able to source its own facts.

Read the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media report and this bit raises some questions.

“We conclude that the staging of the Douma incident entailed mass murder of at least 35 civilians to provide the bodies at Location 2. It follows from this that people dressed as White Helmets and endorsed by the leadership of that organization had a key role in this murder.”

Who trains, arms and funds this evil? Whoever it is, let’s hope they never dare to take the moral high ground with any nation on earth.

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And the OPCW have initiated an investigation into how it got released, but not bothered about how it was covered up to promote a false narrative(surely an admittance of guilt).
I’ll give their reports the respect they now deserve.

Yep. Not sure their Novichok testing will be getting a 5 star rating.




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Hitchens is quite right asking these questions, but why is he the only person in the msm asking the obvious questions. Shame on the rest of them(particularly Monbiot the lying weasel), there was always very obvious flaws with the narrative(which included Skripal) but not a single question from a single msm journalist. I’d be far too embarrassed to call myself a journalist and take the Judas payment personally(not that i could ever string a coherent article together). Do they really not know that they have become an embarrassment to the meaning of the word.
The OPCW doesn’t seem worth a wank any more either, which is a shame as up to the time it was stopped from signing Iraq up and it’s heads(around a hundred countries signed up. About tripling the signatories) family was threatened by bolt-on, it really was on a path for good. But the murder of Dr David Kelly told them all what happens when you don’t go along with the lies of the USoWH+isreal+poddle. Then we made up loads of bullshit about Skripal to give them the powers of casting judgement on who’s guilty. That’s handy isn’t it, completely destroy its impartiality, fill it with your own lackeys then make it judge and jury.


The bullshit in clear simple visual form(look out for those trusted news titles).

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His answer doesn’t seem strange to me, surely he is absolutely correct on this, bang on the money.



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