:superbru: :pl: SuperBru - Premier League Predictor ‘24/25

Saints are back in the land of milk and honey, all is well with the world again and to celebrate why not join Sotonians, my Premier League Predictor league on Superbru! You can find my pool here:


or by downloading the Superbru Football app from ‎Superbru Football on the App Store and searching for the league with code:



After not coming bottom last season it would be rude not to sign up again!

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couldnt open the matches to put my scores in.

Have put the scores in for the full season.
Surprisingly I did not give Southampton a win every week we got 2 1-1 draws with Man City. But Everton Notts Forest and Ipswich are getting relegated.

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We have a new player this season, welcome to @sainthugh


Bumpety bump

After performing like a champ last season in the Championship Predictor I fear returning to the bizarre world of VAR, I’m going to be languishing in a lower position than Saints. :frowning:

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Get in line….

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I don’t know about youse, but I gave the PL the look away last season (apart from watching a few Sunday games when it was pissing down outside) and I’m not sure who had good, bad or indifferent seasons. Suspect i am going to be absolute dog shit at this and any fantasy league this season. Not that i was any cop last season mind…


We have a winner

Round 1 - A Good Start for Most People

But an amazing start for @JxgrSaint who managed to correctly predict the outcome out of 9 of the 10 games this round, scoring 19 out of a possible 33 points, I believe this is the highest single round score we’ve had…

Honourable mentions should also go to myself, @TheMightyOstrich and @sainthugh who managed to predict 8 out of the 10 outcomes…

At the other end, this round, is @Rugbysaint who only managed 5 out of the 10 games, scoring 6 points in the process…

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I see…and how did Round Two go?

Patience my young Padawan…

Round 2 - An Update for @lifeintheslowlane

Someone was very impatient for the Round 2 update, maybe because they “stormed” the round…winning by a clear 3.5 points, thanks to their predictions being more accurate than @Dizzyfeet.

Still @lifeintheslowlane hasn’t matched @JxgrSaint’s feat from the previous round. 8 outcomes predicted isn’t bad though. Go on then @lifeintheslowlane have a :chapeau_jeune:, why not?

Bottom this round is @Numptyboi who only managed 3 correct outcomes and 6 points…enjoy your :wooden_spoon: my manperson

Leaderboard After Round 2

@TheMightyOstrich and myself are on the same points at the top of the table, however the tie-breaker has given first place solely to moi…

@Rugbysaint remains in last place.

8 places gained by @lifeintheslowlane

Yep storming up the league, just a matter of time until I get back into the swing of the VAR League’s requirement for bizarre game results. :star_struck:

My attempt to secure mid table mediocrity took a dent with a 3 place drop :lou_sad:

Proper shite from me, that. Need to up my game and get that fucking cap. Watch out, cunts.

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Round 3 - From Top to Bottom

As ever seems to happen poor @lifeintheslowlane and @Dizzyfeet both plummet to the bottom of the table for this round, scoring a measly 4 points each (1 result and 2 close). However thanks to the tie-breaker employed by SuperBru, @Dizzyfeet earns the :wooden_spoon: for this round.

Top this round, by 3 clear points, is @TheMightyOstrich who seems to be maintaining some consistent form. :chapeau_jeune: incoming

Leaderboard - Round 3

@TheMightyOstrich replaces myself at the top, with @Numptyboi dropping to the bottom. I don’t the talk he had with himself had any effect.

Round 4 - See The Previous Round’s Headline

Aye, 3 of last round’s top 4 are in the bottom 3 this round. @TheMightyOstrich, @PhilippineSaint and @SimplySaint. However @SimplySaint takes the :wooden_spoon: on his own by ½ point. getting 2 results, and 2 close

Top this round is @JxgrSaint who beats @Polski_Filip by 1½ points, with 1 results, 3 close and 2 exacts predictions. Enjoy your 2nd :chapeau_jeune: of this season.

Leaderboard - Round 4

@JxgrSaint replaces @TheMightyOstrich at the top whilst @Numptyboi maintains positions at the bottom of the pack.

Round 5 - Hughie Wins by a Country Mile

Top of this round is new SuperBru entrant @sainthugh, their predictions have earned them a massive 21½ points, 7½ points of 2nd placed @Numptyboi. 3 results, 1 close and 5 exact (!!) in @sainthugh’s predictions. Enjoy the first of many :chapeau_jeune:'s

Ah, a name we all know well is bottom this round, welcome back @Cobham-Saint, 2½ points from 1 close and 1 result. Have another :wooden_spoon: to add to your collection.

Leaderboard - Round 5

Surprise, surprise, @sainthugh takes over at the top, 5 points clear of @JxgrSaint.

Whilst, at the bottom, @Numptyboi rises 2 places to be replaced at the bottom by @Cobham-Saint

Round 6 - back to Normal, Closer Scores

Our man in :poland: leads the scores this round with 13 points, 1 clear of @sainthugh. @Polski_Filip’s score consists of 3 results and 3 exacts from his predictions. First :chapeau_jeune: of the season for Phil (I feel somehow I should put this bit through a spell unchecker)

@TheMightyOstrich’s early season form seems to have deserted them as they are bottom this round, 1 result and 1 close in their 2½ points. A :wooden_spoon: well earnt.

Leaderboard - Round 6

@sainthugh strecthes his lead at the top of the Leaderboard, now 13½ points clear of @JxgrSaint.

@Numptyboi continues his inexorable rise up the table whilst @Cobham-Saint remains rooted to the bottom.


and breath…

Round 7 - A Low Scoring Round

Some very bizarre results this round contributed to a low scoring round

@PhilippineSaint managed to win the :chapeau_jeune: by 1pt from @Goatboy. 3 results and 4 close from his predictions.

The bottom 5 players separated by ½ points but @Saint-Rob manages to grab the :wooden_spoon: from @lifeintheslowlane centa-octagenarian hands. His 4 points made up of 4 results.

Leaderboard - Round 7

not much movement since last week to be honest, so close were the score. @PhilippineSaint does manage to climb 4 places whilst I plummet 3

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Bloody hell a champion league position :laughing: :laughing: