:superbru: :pl: SuperBru - Premier League Predictor ‘23/24

I’m Phil.
I’ll fuck it up

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Round 38 - He’s @Polski_Filip He F**ked it Up

And the final round of this season’s predictor sees a stonking round from @JxgrSaint who managed to predict 9 of the 10 results, 4 of them spot on. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone get 9 results correct in a “normal” round. A well deserved :chapeau_jeune: for that man.

2nd this round is @lifeintheslowlane, who’s 8 outcomes would have seen him grab yellow any other round. 16½ not such a bad score.

In fact it seems everyone did well in the final round, except myself, my 6 outcomes correct sees me score a paltry 8½ points and gives me yet another :wooden_spoon: in a season of :wooden_spoon:s.


Final Leader Board

How have this round’s scored affected the final leaderboard, if at all??

As @Polski_Filip said

and he did, overtaken at the top and beaten by a clear 3 points by @JxgrSaint, that’s a turnaround of 8½ points from last round’s leader board.

Congrats to @JxgrSaint, badge incoming

And it’s all change at the bottom as well. @lifeintheslowlane has spent much of the season at the bottom but has managed to pull it out in the end and overhaul @SimplySaint by 5½ points.

Commiserations to @SimplySaint, commiseration badge incoming.


Some Quick Stats

A quick count up of the :chapeau_jeune:s and :wooden_spoon:s maybe a bit surprising

:chapeau_jeune: # Final #
@PhilippineSaint 10 4th
@Goatboy 7 3rd
@Polski_Filip 5 2nd
@JxgrSaint 4 1st
@BTripz 4 6th
@TheMightyOstrich 3 5th
@lifeintheslowlane 3 7th
@SimplySaint 3 8th

This season’s winner, @JxgrSaint, only managed 4 :chapeau_jeune:s, 6 less than @PhilippineSaint yet @JxgrSaint beat @PhilippineSaint by 4 places and 14 points.

:wooden_spoon: # Final #
@lifeintheslowlane 10 7th
@BTripz 8 6th
@TheMightyOstrich 6 5th
@Goatboy 6 3rd
@SimplySaint 3 8th
@PhilippineSaint 3 4th
@Polski_Filip 2 2nd
@JxgrSaint 1 1st

Conversely @lifeintheslowlane’s constant bottom of the table performance earned him the most :wooden_spoon:'s, 7 more than @SimplySaint!!

I must have had the most flip flop season with 4 :chapeau_jeune:'s and 8 :wooden_spoon:'s

I got a european place so happy with that

I had the most wins and still lost fuck I must support Saints.

It just goes to show, when it comes to REAL football i.e. The Championship I do well.
For the likes of this poor imitation i.e. The VAR Premier League, it’s a job to motivate me to bother. :lou_eyes_to_sky:

Congrats to @JxgrSaint . Pretty tight at the end but he’s been there or thereabouts all season.


Thanks! Finally time to change my badge after 8 years I think!

Also thanks to @BTripz for doing all the Round updates across both this season - over double the amount of work to administer :sweat_smile: