:superbru: :pl: SuperBru - Premier League Predictor ‘23/24

Last season’s Predictor was won by @Goatboy on the final day of the season, think the Commentator screaming Goooaaatttboy as he score a 95th minute result.

As @Goatboy requested I have renewed the league for the coming season and have invited everyone back. If you’d like to join follow the link and create an account (if you don’t already have one)

Sotonians Premier League Predictor Pool '23/24

or by downloading the Superbru app and searching for the pool with code:


Round 1 had me with another yellow cap and @Polski_Filip win the wooden spoon

Round 2 saw @Polski_Filip redeem himself from the week before and win the yellow cap and goat boy get the wooden spoon

The leader board has me at the top and @BTripz at the bottom.
Where have we seen that before?

Oh really

I never knew, honest…


Round 3 - @JxgrSaint Back Where he Belongs

It would seem that @JxgrSaint knows the Premier League better than he knows the Championship, 3 rounds in and he gains his first :chapeau_jeune:, a score of 13½ sees him grab the hat from my hands.

Poor old @lifeintheslowlane manages to win this round’s :wooden_spoon: with a score of 5½ points.


Round 3 - Leader Board

@JxgrSaint back at the top, my score see me drag my sorry ass off of the bottom to be replaced by @lifeintheslowlane


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Round 4 - A Close Week.

I was looking at the table before the Arsenal v Man United game and I was top with 10½, @SimplySaint got the result spot on (after 11 minutes of added time!!) and most of us got the result, so I was expecting a :chapeau_jeune:, but no I was denied by an extract slam point for @Goatboy.

@Goatboy predicted 8 of the 10 results correctly so got 2 slam points same as @JxgrSaint, my 7 correct predictions only got me 1 slam point!!

So there we go, :chapeau_jeune: for @Goatboy

Bottom this round is @PhilippineSaint who seems to follow his Championship Predictor form or is it vice-versa??


Leader Board

@JxgrSaint is still at the top, with @TheMightyOstrich falling to the bottom to replace @Polski_Filip


Round 5 - Unlucky @SimplySaint

How unlucky is @SimplySaint, 9 results predicted correctly and he still only comes 2nd. Unfortunately 8 of his 9 correct predictions were only close, no exact and 1 result, so still a fair total of 15 points.

However @JxgrSaint managed 8 results, 2 of them exact and the result close. This gave him a winning score of 17 points and this round’s :chapeau_jeune:

@Goatboy, winner a couple of seasons ago, comes bottom (by ½pt) and wins this round’s :wooden_spoon:


Leader Board

@JxgrSaint extends his lead at the top, @SimplySaint and @Goatboy swap place, the rest stay where they are.


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Round 6 - Did @SimplySaint Throw His Toys Out of His Pram…

…because of not winning last week, would appear that he forgot to do his predictions for round 6. He still managed to score 5 points from his default picks though. As this score was from the defaults it would appear that the :wooden_spoon: defaults to the person who made picks but was equally as bad. Step forward @lifeintheslowlane, 1 exact and 3 close means a score of 6 points.

Top of the round, by ½pt, is @Polski_Filip, 6 close and 2 results means he got an extra slam point which propelled him above my good self, have a :chapeau_jeune: to keep your head cool whilst you steward the Ryder Cup.


Leader Board

I’ll post a leader board when it comes available but, from memory, @JxgrSaint is still top, I’ve climbed to 2nd place, and @lifeintheslowlane has plummeted to the bottom

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Round 7 - Very Low Scores this Week

Mind you with some of the results over the weekend that’s no surprise.

@PhilippineSaint replicates his form in the Championship Predictor and wins the :chapeau_jeune: in this one. Only 10 points though from 4 correct predictions, 3 exact mind.

Bottom of the pile this Round is @TheMightyOstrich, 5½ points isn’t too bad mind considering the rest of the scores this round.

Same points as @Polski_Filip but his wrong predictions must have been wronger so he gets the round’s :wooden_spoon:


Leader Board

@JxgrSaint remains top, @TheMightyOstrich replaces @lifeintheslowlane at the bottom.


FFS someone has hacked my account and put my selection for the Manc derby as a 2 all draw. :lou_facepalm_2:

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Love the BBC headline:

Premier League: ‘A footballing lesson’ - reaction as Man City beat Man Utd


Which would be true, if only Utd ever listened to anything rather than keep making the same mistakes

Round 8

@PhilippineSaint picks up the :chapeau_jeune: by 1 clear point from @Polski_Filip and @JxgrSaint

@lifeintheslowlane grabs the :wooden_spoon: by ½point from @Goatboy and @SimplySaint

Round 9

@Polski_Filip wins the :chapeau_jeune: by 3½ clear points from @TheMightyOstrich

I replicate my EFL predictor form and come last by 4 (four) points, :wooden_spoon: well deserved.

Round 10

@Goatboy takes the :chapeau_jeune: by 1pt from my good self :slight_smile:

@lifeintheslowlane get’s his second :wooden_spoon: mention in this post, ½ point less than @SimplySaint and @TheMightyOstrich

Round 11

@PhilippineSaint 4½ points clear in his thumping :chapeau_jeune: victory.

3rd mentions for @lifeintheslowlane and 2nd mention for myself in the :wooden_spoon: stakes. 1 point each, now that is poor!!


@JxgrSaint remains at the top, @Polski_Filip has managed to get himself up to 2nd since the last update.

@lifeintheslowlane is bottom, all those :wooden_spoon:s must be weighing him down.

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Round 12 - Oh Look, Another :wooden_spoon: for me!!

Yes everyone, I am that bad, 3 correct predictions this round, 2 close and 1 result, same as @Polski_Filip mind so it can’t be all that bad!

@Goatboy wins this round’s :chapeau_jeune: by outscoring @PhilippineSaint by ½ point

Congrats to @lifeintheslowlane who managed to get the only exact prediction this week, from 80 predictions made there was only 1 exact one!!

Leaderboard - Round 12

Not a lot to say, @JxgrSaint is still atop the table, @lifeintheslowlane is still at the bottom. My plunge down the table is gathering pace as I swap places with @Goatboy

Round 13 - Consecutive :chapeau_jeune: for @Goatboy

@Goatboy tops this round with 6 out of 10 results predicted correctly, 2 of them spot on, I too got 6 results but only had 1 spot on so came 2nd. Have your 2nd consecutive :chapeau_jeune: my caprine friend.

Bottom this week is @lifeintheslowlane who’s predictive skills have obviously been affected by his recent cruise. This makes it @lifeintheslowlane’s 6th :wooden_spoon: which means he’s been last almost 50% of the rounds.

Leader Board - Round 13

Surprisingly @lifeintheslowlane is still at the bottom. @JxgrSaint remains at the top whilst @Goatboy climbs another 2 places.

Round 14 - A Mirror of the EFL Predictor??

@SimplySaint did well in the EFL predictor this week but not so well in the PL predictor, still his 6½ points weren’t enough to earn him this round’s :wooden_spoon:, that honour goes to @Polski_Filip for the 2nd time this season.

@TheMightyOstrich, who is not doing so well in the EFL counterpart, wins this weeks :chapeau_jeune: with a decent 11 points, 2 points clear of the resurgent (??) @lifeintheslowlane

Leader board - Round 14

@JxgrSaint remains top, @lifeintheslowlane stays bottom, @PhilippineSaint and @Goatboy swap positions (oerr) and that’s about it.

Round 15 - @Goatboy Losing His MoJo?

Not a massive scoring round to be fairbut well done to @PhilippineSaint who wins his 5th :chapeau_jeune: by outscoring everyone else this round, 6 results predicted, 2 spot on.

@JxgrSaint also predicted 6 outcomes but only got 1 spot on to leave him in 2nd place.

@Goatboy appears to have lost his predictive juice as he comes bottom of the pile this round. Only 5 points from 4 correct outcomes hands him the :wooden_spoon:

Leaderboard - Round 15

@JxgrSaint still on top, couple of move mid table and @lifeintheslowlane still at the bottom.


So this week, my 9 year old daughter has predicted all my scores. She has no knowledge of football whatsoever… Yellow cap incoming…

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She’ll beat me that’s f’sure

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As my position as tail end Charlie, can I congratulate your daughter on her superior sporting insight.

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Ummm, I think you have the wrong competition :slight_smile:

Even in this one she will :slight_smile:

Not going to help your tail end Charlie status though is it?