đŸ€Ș Stir Crazy Antidote #17 - It's Jay's Virtual Pub Quiz ❓

A sober 37 from the lonesome one

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Shit. On. It.

Team Carrotland reporting in 
 7, 6, 8, 10, 5 for 36

We are humbled :worried:

Week 23

Online from 7:40pm ish. Quiz starts at 8:15pm ish.

Me and the tame Geordie have been practising whilst we skive off doing productive stuff for work so expect another tonking this round as well.

Please remind me that I owe you a commemorative badge, Phil.

“I cheated by bringing foreign ringers in to my team to win Jay’s Virtual Pub Quiz”


My ringers are sacked we only got 38


38 here too for me and Mrs Bletch but I don’t appear to be able to sack her.

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Didn’t do it this week. Rest of the team unavailable

You see, @PhilippineSaint, when @Waylander can’t get the band back together, he doesn’t rope in Swedish Nobel Prize winners, Russian chess grand masters or Geordie pop-culture experts.


He’d rather lose than stoop to those levels.

Kudos @waylander - you loser (in the nicest way possible).

That’d be your operation playing havoc again!!

An hour plus in the saddle yesterday* and 20+km to Romsey and back. No tenderness this morning.

Well you brought it up.

And as your brought the subject up, I recently met with the consultant in his room at the General and asked him if it was OK to ejaculate now, he said “Yes. But please wait until you’ve left the room”.**

* literally the saddle - that’s not some form of disrespectful way to talk about Mrs Bletch
** this story is only half-true. That actually happened after a previous op 10+ years ago.

36, on my own as usual @Waylander and @PhilippineSaint



nb gentle reminder :slight_smile: *




So I tried last night’s quiz on my own and that “board games” round killed me - 2/10. I’m not interested in doing a quiz where I cannot answer 80% of the questions in a round. I used to run a pub quiz and any round where teams get less than 4/5 out of 10 is a bad round, teams lose interest and will not come back.

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Blimey. The board game round was our joker round but food and drink was our undoing 
 8, 8, 6, 5, 6 for 33. Piss poor.

Week 24 (Recorded)

The Results

Didn’t do it. Watched RoI against Bulgaria instead.

Did not do either, but I can pretend I did and no one would ever know
 I won’t tell you my name is Pike either :crazy_face: