đŸ€Ș Stir Crazy Antidote #15 - the great Easter Egg Quiz! đŸ„š

Not especially.

The diagram is of the locking mechanism.

The way the diagram appears

shows each dial (a to g) with 8 dashes on it denoting the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.

The numbers in circles are the totals of what the dials are pointing to. So the totals of dials a and b is :seven:.

We need to work out the number at the top dash. But there are lines that also point to the bottom dash - making it appear that that number is 4 greater than the number at the top dash.

Where these totals are shown underneath the dial (as in :six: being the total of dials a and e) the lines point to the bottom of the dial and therefore give the impression that the number is 4 ticks greater than the number at the top of the dial.

For example, if dial a is on 3, then the line from the bottom of dial a must be pointing to 7 because it’s the bottom of the dial and therefore 4 ticks away from the top 3
4, 5, 6, 7.

When interpreted that way, I could not find a solution easily so I wrote some python which said there was no solution if you interpreted the diagram that way.

Only then did I wonder if the lines to the bottom dashes of the dials were the same values as the top dashes.

You over-complicated it rather massively.

I thought it mentioned in the text that each dial could have a value from 1 to 8, not that each dial has the numbers 1 to 8 arranged in a circle. I kind of see what you mean about the drawing, but it never occurred to me that there would be anything other than one value on each dial, largely as to do it that way would make no sense.

But then it’s ages since I got that clue, so maybe my memory is lacking here.

Adam will laugh at you from a great height (though of course he does everything from a great height).

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I agree with @Fowllyd, you over complicated matters entirely.

I just assumed the numbers in circles were the total of the dials connected by the lines.

Maybe I’m a simple man.

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Surely, you’ve under-complicated it massively?

The quiz says “
seven dials each of which can be set to a position from one to eight”

So we know that each dial has 8 discrete positions and the quiz shows each dial with 8 tick marks.

Lines on the quick connect to the top of the dial and the bottom of a dial.

Ticks are shown on the top of the dial and on the bottom (and each of the other points inbnetween.

So, if the dial ticks are marked on and the quiz says that there are 8 positions and the line connects to a tick and not just a dial, and if two lines connect to a dial (one from above and one from below) then the two values are different.

There is no other way to interpret that and anyone who says otherwise (or says that I’ve overcomplicated it) is a twat.

I will concede that I might have overcomplicated this response though.

See above.

You’re a twat.

In other news did anyone else notice that @StickyWhiteDovePiss appears to have entered the quiz?

Nice to know you’re still lurking SWDP - if indeed you are.

Hmm, let me see now. I had the answer to that particular conundrum in a couple of minutes. You?

That just proves that you have the same simple view of the world as your second cousin thrice removed.

You’re right of course. I have no reason to believe that he would write a bit of python to do a perfectly simple piece of arithmetic. He’d probably just do it in his head, as I did.

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Part 2 Clue 2
a steer would be welcome

sun bird

sun worm


Going to start part 2 tonight.

Can you give me a reminder of what the question is? Or, alternatively, just the correct answer from part 2 clue 1, which will allow me to resume there.

Just got to clue 9. Really enjoying this.


Finished it! My name is proudly on the leaderboard, tenth to finish the second part.

I’m starting to feel your pain brother

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Still haven’t started part 2 as Mrs Bletch and I are struggling to be in the same room at the same time and tonight it’s the University Challenge final.

I can fully understand Mrs Bletch’s feelings here.

Turned out to be a bit of a damp squid that.

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Yeah, given the respective teams’ performances en route to the final, and the characters in the team -Wang and Brandon, I was expecting great things.

So Part 2, Clue 9 I have decrypted the sentence but lord alone knows where to go from that.

I suppose this is where you need to know how the 5th cousin, 5 times removed is thinking

He’s thinking “I reckon I made that 8 digit dial question too difficult”.

Still to start part 2.