SPOTY - anyone still care?

Attraction is not objectification. But nice try.

Don’t try and justify your disgusting behaviour.

How come Klopp didn’t win the Overseas award? Him being so fucking brilliant and all.

I think they dropped the Best Gurning Tramp category.


Sorry, GB, I voted you down. I didn’t think it would ever come to this…me voting you of all people down, but I’ve got to stand with what I believe to be right and I can’t go voting other people down for lesser crimes, and turning a blind eye to yours… So here’s what I think:

If you want to be a man of principle, and a man not prepared to play the game. To come up with dry one liners, against giggling conventions, To buck the trend - to be true to yourself and refuse to play to the baying mob wanting dancing clowns and fools on scooters. To refuse to sing when you’re asked to, and refuse to dance when you’re bullied into it. Then Goatboy, I’ve got your back, and I’m with you all the way.

But don’t diss the Murray.

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Did anyone ever?

Apart from Spotify who seem too stupid to sponsor it.

Waste of tax-paying payers’ money.

What Tax payers Money?

The Licence fee is not necessarily always from taxpayers?