Southampton vs Newcastle - the beers

Er no. I have never handled this before. How many are we booking for?

I may or may not be there. :cool:


Hmmm. You started the thread and asked people to state their intentions. Bloody rude of you to pay no attention to their answers IMO :hear_no_evil:

Booked ??

What the fuck has happened to pubs ?

A quick google showed this one of a Sotonian as a Maitre D


Originally posted by @Sussexsaint

Booked ??

What the fuck has happened to pubs ?

Iā€™m picturing pap sitting alone at a pub table, and thereā€™s a sign next to it saying ā€œReserved For Papsweb Forum Membersā€.

If Turkish happens to walk past, he will say something v.acerbic RIP


Sussex mate if you had been along before :lou_wink: you would know that where Lord Papster holds a sermon, the people will be there in the thousands. Does not do much for his rep to start the sermon from the road outside.

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Yes, yes. The jollity is wonderful. Do we have a number?

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Genuine LOL

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Downvoted! First downvote for Pap from me, probs heading for a ban now :lou_sad:

Fuck you guys! Iā€™m task focused.

Shall we go for eight?

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Blessed are the cheesemakers?

Eight sounds good - havenā€™t checked with SO5 yet but Iā€™m sure heā€™ll be along. Donā€™t forget to bring the loaves and fishes.

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I have booked the table. 1pm for eight. Donā€™t make me look a nob. I do a good enough job of that on my own.

now would be gd time for people to start backing out pls


1pm? Nob, we will be there well before that.


Is anyone out to play afterwards?

Originally posted by @saintbletch

Is anyone out to play afterwards?

Think so. Thisā€™ll be my only game in Southampton this month.

Do or do not, papster. There is no try.

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