Slight tecchie question

I intend to send an email to some people at work (with bananas) when I leave in 2 months’ time. This will be by delayed send via Outlook. There will be attachments (word doc) and I would like to send a couple of Disney pictures (not copyright) to someone in absentia. This will be a JPG (or is GIF better?) as the main body of the email.

My simple mind thinks I do the emails now. Put them on hold and even though I’ll have left a few days before the system will just send them as directed.

What can go wrong and will it work? I assume/hope they won’t erase my pc and profile immediately but if they do my idea won’t work. Is this right? Do I, for example, need to hide the pictures (they are Disney, this is not code for anything worse, like Pixar) in a shared folder?

What if I want to add a hyperlink to a document in a shared folder (thinks it won’t be deleted). What will happen?

Much planning to be done.

And that’s it.

Why don’t you just shit behind a radiator like everyone else?


Put some prawns and anchovies in the office roof. Most offices have tiles that lift. You can to this a few a day or so before. Stinks a bloody good one and people cannot find the smell.

I tried shitting behind the radiator, but just could not keep my balance when perching. Also they could trace that back to me!

Give the Goat a tenner, he’ll deal with them…and probably give you a copy of the DVD.

DNA on record already Sim?


Originally posted by @Intiniki

Originally posted by @Sfcsim

Put some prawns and anchovies in the office roof. Most offices have tiles that lift. You can to this a few a day or so before. Stinks a bloody good one and people cannot find the smell.

I tried shitting behind the radiator, but just could not keep my balance when perching. Also they could trace that back to me!

DNA on record already Sim?

Me know never! But if you have just left somewhere under a cloud and there is shite all over the radiator… I think someone might come a knocking. Would be a strange chat that one though!

Originally posted by @Burp

I intend to send an email to some people at work (with bananas) when I leave in 2 months’ time. This will be by delayed send via Outlook. There will be attachments (word doc) and I would like to send a couple of Disney pictures (not copyright) to someone in absentia. This will be a JPG (or is GIF better?) as the main body of the email.

GIF is an indexed colour format, meaning an image can carry at maximum of 256 colours. If you save something with more than 256 individual colours, it’ll best guess, each pixel being recolored to the closest available match. You’ll lose colour depth. Save an existing JPG photo as a GIF and you’ll see what I mean. Can have a transparent background colour.

JPG is an efficient compromise for photographs, providing excellent size to detail ratio for natural photographic images, but the compression algorithm that keeps the files small is specfically designed for photographs. Doesn’t fare as well with hard edged images created on computers.

PNG is the replacement for GIF. Again, transparent background colour is available and no effective colour restriction, and lossless too, which means no artefacting on hard lines as you’d get on a JPG. Best option if the images are small or the client doesn’t care about large emails.

My simple mind thinks I do the emails now. Put them on hold and even though I’ll have left a few days before the system will just send them as directed.

Link on delayed send. You need to take additional steps.

What can go wrong and will it work? I assume/hope they won’t erase my pc and profile immediately but if they do my idea won’t work.

Is this right? Do I, for example, need to hide the pictures (they are Disney, this is not code for anything worse, like Pixar) in a shared folder?

If you follow that Microsoft advice, the emails will go out on times.

The images will be encoded into each email, and will live in your Outbox until the time comes.

What if I want to add a hyperlink to a document in a shared folder (thinks it won’t be deleted). What will happen?

If your shared folder is accessible via the Public Internet, you’re fine.

If you’re linking to a shared folder on your network, it won’t work.

expertz from PaP.

Burp - I hope you get offered a job in 2 years time and then rejected from it when they find your hilarious online history and then sue and then become an internet superstar and then fail and then post your story on here and then get another job as a consultant to people who have made internet indiscretions and then get famous and lose their jobs but don’t care but then get old and care, but subsequently don’t care.


I’m of a slightly different view to papster.

If your Outlook account is deleted after you leave (will probably happen quickly in a large organisation and maybe not at all in a smaller one), then any delayed emails will die with the account.

I don’t know this, I’m just thinking through how it would work otherwise.

Also, if your question about GIFs was because you wanted to send an animated GIF, then my understanding is that Outlook will not animate it for your colleagues.

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Didn’t spot the leaving his job bit.

D’oh. Yeah, there is no guarantee that it’ll go out.