šŸ”ˆ Site announcement: Things that we think you should know

Iā€™m android and chrome on all my devices and I donā€™t have any problems. Sounds like itā€™s a phone setting ? CD

Ok. If you want to go to the latest bit of the thread click on the 2 numbers at bottom of screen and it asks you where you want to jump to bottom left. Click on there and you can type in the number.

Donā€™t know if thatā€™s what will help?

Ta, interpreting ā€˜clickā€™ as ā€˜short tapā€™, my banana fingers have finally understood!

We donā€™t do that. Thanks to GDPR, we do have an option for users to be forgotten. This is your admin team rehearsing for the next request.


Yeah, @Fatso had your number - troublemaker.

Glad itā€™s sorted. Thanks @Intiniki for the support work.

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You are welcome. Obviously my 4 months in an IT call centre helped.

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@Map-Of-Tasmania has requested that his account be disabled as he no longer wishes to post here.

Map asked me not to make a big deal of this and, as I couldnā€™t convince him to stay, Iā€™ve reluctantly suspended his account. FYI he can no longer receive PMs - again at his request.

I hope one day heā€™ll be back and Iā€™m sure other posters here would feel the same. Weā€™re poorer for him moving on.



Blimey, thats a bit out of the blue

Whilst fully respecting everybodyā€™s right to have their accounts disabled/deleted - wouldnā€™t it be simpler to just not log on anymore?


Well yeah. That would be not making a big thing of it.

Thatā€™s really disappointing - heā€™s a great poster and adds a lot of knowledge and perspective to threads that others canā€™t seem to.

Sad timesā€¦


Another poster murdered by the evil of Brexit


Public seppuku, more like.

I donā€™t know why we just canā€™t call each other cunts and get on with it.


Google stops us


Most of us can, @Goatboy. Most of us can.

If you canā€™t, do what @Smiler says and stop posting.

Weā€™ll always honour our statutory requirements and allow people to be forgotten or whatever, but itā€™s never going to look great, or not be a big thing, if toys are ejected from the perambulator because people, near certain that the site wonā€™t survive without them, leave in the near certainty that the site will collapse after their departure.

Never works out that way, oddly enough.

Maybe the annoucemet heā€™s left makes it look more of a thing than it is? If you can just silently slip away (like being unfriended on Facebook) we may notice after a bit. Think ā€œOh well thatā€™s a shameā€ then get on with our lives.
Itā€™s important we can be forgotten if we want to.

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Who are you again?

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Not sure these days.

Woman of mystery. nice :lou_wink_2:

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