Should we simply ban faith schools and be done with it?

Pap I simpy dont belive all that rubbish for if I did I send my daughter there, I dont think it should be judged on a year, its too convenient and I know where I’ll be be sending mine, also not one with doctrine and dogma attached to it.

School: Barry Sanchez School of Life

% of basic points grasped: 13
% of political concepts grasped: 2
Average level: mock shock
Value added: questionable

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Talking / posting nonsense: 98%

Listening skills: 3.4%

Oh how we laughed…

Baby Jesus didn’t go to a Christian school + he turned out ok



Greetings from Lord Street.

I was surprised to discover that 1 in 4 primary schools and 1 in 16 secondary schools are CofE. When you add in all the Catholic schools, Jewish schools and Muslim schools, that’s a lot of RE.

I got most of my detentions in RE

We used to take it in turns to do the homework and then the others would copy it on the way into school on the train. When we eventually go sussed, the teacher asked why we did it. Apparently, saying " I couldn’t be bothered because I m not interested" was not the right answer. What that answer did produce was a doubling of my sentence. So RE taught me that lying is often the right course of action.

See, persoanlly, if taught correctly, I haven’t got a problem with RE. It should educate people on ALL faiths and maybe that would lead to tolerance and understanding of why some people need faith!

I’m not religious in the slightest BTW


If some mild religious teaching is a gateway to promoting kindness and people being pleasant, then it must be a good thing.

However, if it involves kids getting buggered by a choirmaster, coached in hate, enrolled in a suicide bomb squad or sent off to a torture camp for pregnant teenagers, then it’s probably less useful to society and needs addressing.

Nothing wrong with nurturing a little delusion and insanity in our children. They’ll be needing it in later life.

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I know for a fact that in some (very good) faith schools, the mandatory RE “content” and teaching is no more than local state schools, i.e. what the national curriculum requires. Everything else is optional.

Did he bear? I heard something about him hanging out with the wrong people and he ended up getting really cross or something like that. Then he invented Easter eggs with the Easter bunny and it was all forgiven.


Most commonly heard in the expression “should be a good game today”.


Or “I’ll just go for a quick pint, won’t be late”.