Sharks... off the coast of the UK

I have to be honest I’m not a fan of sharks. Sharks, wasps and submarines all give the the heebie jeebies.

Fortunately I only ever really have to deal with wasps in real life.

Submarines never really enter the shallows enough to bother me.

And sharks… Well we only get the odd basking shark in the waters off of the coast of the UK don’t we and a few little tiddlers that are part of the shark family but look more like minnows…… right?

Caught in nets this weekend off the south coast, Chesil beach………

What the flip!!!

some more pics here if you’re on facebook…

Blame the recent few governments. Even sharks getting in on our lax immigration rules now FFS.



We’ve always had sharks on our shores…small ones at least like this one. We also get the odd great whites as well…

Not sure I’d say it was that small for UK waters? 6.5 feet long…

This lady is celebrating the capture of that nasty beast.

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Oops… MrsCracked Roibs just quized me on why I am seraching for shark costumes for women… :lou_surprised: