Season Ticket

Hi all,

After contacting the ticket office after an away season ticket for me and my 8 year old it seems this is not an option. I need to get a season ticket for me and an under 11’s. I will not be able to go to many home games due to work and family commitments but will be looking to go to at least 10/12 away games and maybe a couple of the home, as living in Carlisle suits away games and I prefer away games.

Now I can think of a few people who would take my season ticket but with an under 11 this is unlikely, but even though I prefer to get lend both for games I can take the hit on the child if need be.

Would anyone be interested in taking the ticket like they did in 2016. I would go to 2 maybe 3 home games over the season but this would not be based on teams we are playing more on family visits out of school term.

Again with COVID there might not be to many to go to anyway.

Just gaging any interest.

Thanks… oh I know it’s frowned upon but they really should have a better system for northern saints.

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Wouldn’t Northern Saints get a certain allocation of away tickets for each match?

How easy would that be for me and my nipper though. At least with a season ticket you are in control of buying your tickets.

We would go to the game with our tickets then home afterwards. So meeting up and stuff not really an option unless I go on my own to games for some of them.

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I used to be in a similar situation at SMS. My under 16 season ticket for my lad was not always needed, so I would take a mate and upgrade the ticket to Adult on an individual match basis. You just head to the ticket office before KO and pay the match admission difference.


Great idea, I think I am going to buy one for each of us, now the section. :thinking:

Thanks matey

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Normal plebs cannot buy them yet anyway.

Also it seems we will be 2 months into the new season at least before we can go back into stadiums.