💤 Scheduled downtime

We’re back but we’re likely to be up and down a few more times before I’m finished.

I reckon there’s a dirty joke to be made out of that but I’m guessing that’s what you were hoping for so I won’t provide you with the satisfaction you dirty boy.

You always provide me with satisfaction Vag Star!



It LOOKS like I’ve managed to successfully change the email provider we use for sotonians.com, but I’ll wait a full couple of days before I officially do a geek gloat.

hmmm, able to satisfy without even trying, if only my missus was so receptive :lou_sad:

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I just ignored it as I was sleeping

Sotonians is going down for a while in a while


We’re back. Let me know if anything is a bit broked !

Does my pc count?

Sotonians is going down for a while in a while



OK. Something went bang in the latest upgrade.

I think we’re back.

Could well have been this.

Who likes the new polls?

Bertie is risen :lou_lol:

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