😆 Schadenfreude

No it’s not. It’s simply taking pleasure in the misfortune of others, it isn’t qualified by whether or not they’re perceived to have deserved their misfortune, although that might make a situation funnier.

As usual, it boils down to different people finding different things funny. “Funny” isn’t really quantifiable, except in certain circumstances when it’s judged by the number of viewers voting on it; it’s impossible to explain why a given joke is funny to someone who doesn’t understand why others find it funny, and I’ve pointed out before on the joke thread that a particular joke which was innocuous to me but another poster stated flatly that it wasn’t funny, scored as funniest of the week when voted for by people enjoying that kind of humour. So on one level, that’s quantifiable. In the case of this clip, it came from a comedy feed with hundreds of similar videos and scored particularly highly, so it isn’t inherently unamusing. Personally, of course I sympathise with the girl who got knocked off her bike, and obviously I would hope she wasn’t badly injured. What makes the clip funny is the sheer misfortune of her subsequently somehow landing headfirst in a narrow drain and disappearing from sight. Show me someone who’s never in their lives laughed at a comedy pratfall and I’ll show you someone with no sense of humour at all.

This would be so much more compelling if you were able to spell the word. Still, third time lucky.

Oh dear, my spelling in a second language is not perfect without review… rather that than its misuse

Ironically, the video wasn’t funny at all, but the subsequent replies, counter replies and bitching is fucking hilarious.


Er no, the German definition translates most closely to:

‘‘Schadenfreude is the positive feeling about another person’s misfortune, either because you dislike them, because you believe they deserve it, or because you see them as a rival. For example, **after a waiter has treated you very rudely, you may secretly enjoy seeing him trip and drop his serving tray’’.

Yes folks find different things funny (no shit sherlock), but that is not the issue here. Its a simple question of whether is appropriate to a laugh at what looks like quite a horrific accident. I am sure there are some folks who laughed at a documentary I saw on net flix that showed explicit footage of a Nazi soldiers executing civilians where the victim fell into the mass grave before being shot… the fact someone might find that funny does not ‘qualify’ that as appropriate no matter how ‘many’ do.

Now that was funny

You might not have spotted this, but I was using it in England, on a forum based in Southampton UK, using English as it’s primary language.

seriously… you are still missing the nuance even in english…whatever

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed from the jokes thread, but ‘nuance’ isn’t exactly scotty’s strong suit :wink:

There is no nuance involved. The meaning of the loanword Schadenfreude, when used in an English-speaking conversation, simply means taking pleasure in the misfortune of others.
It’s clearly defined in the OED and Cambridge dictionaries. Fowllydd added an additional meaning which doesn’t exist in order to support his distaste for the video, and you are defending that disingenuity for the same reason.

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Sometimes it’s fun to just light the blue touch paper and step back

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Nothing disingenuous in what I wrote. I merely stated my understanding of the term. I fail to see how that is dishonest. My distaste for the video that you posted has nothing whatsoever to do with my understanding of what exactly schadenfreude means.



War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
2 + 2 = 5

Well, I’ll stick by the true meaning - as with many German words, there is no complete translation and so they tend to be simplified for the simpler minds…

I bow to your superior knowledge, and will immediately inform the Oxford English and the Cambridge dictionaries of their error. In their defence, they can at least spell the word correctly. :+1::+1:

There is only one useful German Word.
I can’t spell it but something like Rubber head


Care to actually answer what I wrote? For example, can you tell me in what way I was disingenuous?

Passive aggressive



TBF it may have been me that was disingenuous in not recognising Cob’s obvious dislike for the vid when calling me out as sanctimonious for disliking it… confusing hey, but as everything I posted became invalid with the mis-spelling of schardenfreude (sic) and my not understanding its ‘real’ meaning due to having to ignore its nuances - it IS a simpler translation along with Zeitgeist and Realpolitik - because the nuances don’t translate perfectly (and helps me be passive aggressive)