😆 Schadenfreude

He certainly likes em on the skinny side. Both his missus and mistress could do with a double helping of steak and kidney pud, chips and mushy peas.

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Doesn’t matter what his bit on the side looks like, she’s behind him anyway :sunglasses:

Looks old enough to be his mum

She’s his wife’s best mate apparently. Or was!


Sign the goalie he is better than our strikers


What next, snuff vids?.. bit of a difference between schardenfreude and folks getting seriously injured in accidents surely?


Clearly you didn’t like it but, “what next, snuff vids?” Seriously?

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Yep, obvious next step is a vid of death no? people falling over in comedy fashion is one thing, laughing at folks being hit by cars? At what point is it no longer acceptable, when it causes a death? Some times folks on here need to speak out more about stuff that is not really acceptable… if we dont just lose more posters… maybe no one else cares?

Maybe you’re right, but maybe the label sanctimonious is a description you may hold dear? :man_shrugging:

Sorry, meant to add, that this is just a ridiculous statement imho of course

Haha, seriously? This is one of the very few places where posters seem desperate to defend shite like this for fear of being ridiculed or bullied by a few ‘senior’ posters… Some things are just wrong and not to point it out for what it is is just cowardly. Just like the shit on the woke thread which has become a place for folks to express fake exasperation at anything that highlights their old school prejudices…

I enjoy a good laugh and being half German actually understand the true meaning of schardenfreude (and its a lot more nuanced than its use here) but I don’t believe its being sanctimonious to point out stuff that is just wrong to laugh at. Maybe we all have different thresholds as to what we find acceptable, but I ain’t changing mine just to avoid a few accusations of being sanctimonious

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Not ridiculous at all, I’d say. We’ve just had presented to us for entertainment a video in which someone is clearly quite badly hurt. So how about if someone is hit by a car, taken away in an ambulance, and we have no idea whether they then live or die? Would that be entertaining?

Incidentally, the thread is badly named. Schadenfreude is loosely translated as taking pleasure in the misfortunes of others, with the understanding that it’s someone who you think deserves said misfortune. Watching people get hit by cars doesn’t cut it at all - it’s just unpleasant and ghoulish voyeurism.


If its funny its not wrong

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Clearly you don’t, seriously, you don’t.

I wasn’t disagreeing with you, but perhaps you missed that. No need to go off on one and come across as holier than thou. And what’s all this bull-crap about “senior” posters? Jeez :roll_eyes:

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Did I at any point say it was entertaining?


I didn’t suggest that you had done. What I did say was that what we’re seeing here is human pain being presented as entertainment - after all, if it’s not intended to entertain, what is the point of that clip in the first place? I then asked whether something more serious (where, for instance, the viewer doesn’t know the outcome and it’s possible that the victim is seriously injured or even killed) would also be viewed as entertainment.

Had I meant to suggest that you personally might find such things entertaining then I’d have framed my question in a way to make that clear. So, instead of “Would that be entertaining?” I might have put “Would you find that entertaining?”.

Whether or not you find such videos entertaining I don’t know. My point is that they are presented as entertainment, and I personally find that pretty abhorrent.


I am not quite sure how the fact you were not disagreeing me was meant to come across in a post that suggested I had no sense of humour and was being sanctimonious? But hey, something maybe lost in translation.

Fowllyd has summed up my feeling on this much more eloquently than I could, so I wont go over that. However, the problem with simply ‘avoiding’ the threads that can offend, and saying nothing, might imply I am comfortable with such things and happy to be associated with a web forum that sees no problem with it… I have stopped posting in past not because of spats with posters, but because the impression given has been that the forum is fine with certain attitudes and beliefs that go against my own codes. Whether you think I am over sensitive or maybe over ‘woke’ is immaterial. I simply stand by what I believe and am comfortable posting on it.

The fact that in the past its been like a 12 line whip of posters jumping in to try and ridicule folks thoughts is what I meant by ‘senior-posters’ just go back and read through the woke post again to see what I mean. That thread is an embarrassment.