Has anyone got a member number I can borrow for the home game v Tottenham on the 28th December (19:45 KO), I have a friend who would like to come with me but I can only get one ticket.
Promise they’ll behave, honest!!
Has anyone got a member number I can borrow for the home game v Tottenham on the 28th December (19:45 KO), I have a friend who would like to come with me but I can only get one ticket.
Promise they’ll behave, honest!!
Use mine.
Very childish Bletch. You can use mine Bob
use mine
Bletch :-Why am I not surprised, I’d be more surprised if you did actually have a member number of your own?
Gavstar :- So immature
Chutney :-
To borrow a phrase from Fatso, cunts…
NB. I do have one you can use BT…but had not offered as I am away with work and wont be able to get hold of my customer number until Friday - if its still good timing wise, and you promise to sit quitely in the kingsland with a blanket and a flask, I will forward you the details…
I have at least one spare season ticket seat for this game, and possibly two. Kingsland North. Happy to take face value for anyone who can use it / them. PM me
BT … it was all so believable until you said you had a friend
BTW I’m all sorted now. Thanks for all your help lads and ladesses.
Originally posted by @BTripz
Originally posted by @ericofarabia
BT … it was all so believable until you said you had a friend
Fair point and well presented … gets an up vote from me