Sadly another Terrorist attack in France

We know that these attacks are coming and yet when they do it always feels the same. I missed the news earlier and only picked up on it when I was reading about the Saints in Baltimore and read something about Nice and what is wrong with the world which pointed me towards the news. It is just sickening and what is worse is that it doesnt matter how many resources we put into fighting these people, you cannot defend yourself against warped people who have a desire to kill and who hold no value for their own lives.

Two of my daughters have recently come back from Bilbao and another is currently in Barcelona. We have been talking of having a family trip to Paris later in the year. It worries me but we have to carry on with our lives or these bastards win.

How many Christian reactionaries terrorists went to Church? How many Muslim terrorists went to Mosques?

Thats a smokescreen created by the liberals, apples and oranges, religious fundamentalists can not be dealt with or talked to, how many of these extremists come from Saudi sponsored Wahhabism? And are people actually naive enough to believe this can be talked down?

In short the lone wolf is totally different to the religious devout (and they are) who carries out Jihad.

The answer? There really isn’t one unless you stop religion which isn’t going to happen.

Its all very sad.

But the problem isnt religion per se Barry. The problem is the people who use religion as an excuse for their own warped world view and who clearly do not value their own or any one esle’s lives. Mankind is basically flawed and there will always be those who behave outside the realms of what most of us feel is acceptable be there religion or not.

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

In short the lone wolf is totally different to the religious devout (and they are) who carries out Jihad…

Thanks for spotting the difference. I do try and avoid Jihad when I can.

The problem is religion as fundamentalists obviously follow the scriptures to the letter and there by say they are doing no wrong when killing unbelievers, gays and adulterers.
They say they are practising God’s teachings.
This is plainly wrong to anyone with an open mind.

I guess it’s due to the fact that they have a very high proportion of poor Muslim’s that came over as part of their assault on Northern Africa. Add to that a lot of these people are not welcomed by the French people and there is still a lot of discrimination against them it can increase radicalisation. Oh, and they’re a lay state, so they have very poor intelligence on their own people. They are not allowed to keep records on residents religion for example. In addition to this, free borders make weapons easier to come across.

All of this has contributed and will unfortunately also contribute to Le Pen winning the next election.

The scriptures say nothing of the sort Barry.

Idiots INTERPRET that is a meaning of the words.

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She’ll certainly have a much better chance now.

Originally posted by @Chertsey-Saint

Originally posted by @pap

France is seeming a particular dangerous place at present. As always, not condoning anything, but does anyone have any explanations as to why this country is such a frequent target?

Back on TSW, we had Window Cleaner, who I believe was resident in France. He would at least offer his own perspective on things. It’s one that I’ve missed since starting this place.

It’s only going to add to a very volatile situation in France already. Marine Le Pen’s National Front party will see a boost in support.

Disgraceful act.

I guess it’s due to the fact that they have a very high proportion of poor Muslim’s that came over as part of their assault on Northern Africa. Add to that a lot of these people are not welcomed by the French people and there is still a lot of discrimination against them it can increase radicalisation. Oh, and they’re a lay state, so they have very poor intelligence on their own people. They are not allowed to keep records on residents religion for example. In addition to this, free borders make weapons easier to come across.

Plus all our lorries are stuck in traffic jams.

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Agreed…you only have to look in football crowds on TV…your team is getting humiliatingly fucked over by Lichtenstein, it’s the lowest point in you team’s history but then your sad face comes up on the big screen…and for that fleeting second you’re famous…beaming smiles all round.

There is some seriously weird shit going on in peoples heads these days. :lou_facepalm_2:

You’ll find many intelligent scholars not warming to gays, same sex marriage, adultery etc etc

Do you deny what is written in the Koran?

One of the worst consequences of terror attacks, is having to wade through this fkn argument again.


I agree but the denial to talk about those issues and confront them have led to many of the problems we have today, alienation, integration, religion before state etc etc

That’s a fair enough attitude as long as you arrive at the correct conclusions. I don’t think you have, and while I think you’re making your argument in good faith, if you’ll express the pun, I don’t think it’s a good argument.

Plenty of holy books, including the Bible, are full of genocidal intent or contain statements about aspects of modern life that many profoundly disagree with. They’re hugely outdated, which is one of the reasons that we don’t take them literally. Another reason that we, specifically, don’t take them too seriously is because over time, we’ve developed a civilisation containing institutions and a degree of stability that don’t exist elsewhere.

Despite the free school program by the Conservatives, there’s a general belief in comprehensive education, and a legal requirement for kids to be educated to a certain standard. We still have religiously oriented schools, but most teach tolerance and respect. It’s only really the illegal, off the books schools that don’t.

In places that have been ravaged by war, where infrastructure breaks down and essential family support structures can be utterly destroyed, those left behind are going to be more radical. Radical preachers are going to have an easier time recruiting.

The overall point is none of this happens in a vacuum. While I take your point that Islamic extremism drives this, we’re providing them with recruits through our actions overseas, a rather sorry state of affairs when the stated aim was to “fight them over there”.

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Originally posted by @pap

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

I agree but the denial to talk about those issues and confront them have led to many of the problems we have today, alienation, integration, religion before state etc etc

That’s a fair enough attitude as long as you arrive at the correct conclusions. I don’t think you have, and while I think you’re making your argument in good faith, if you’ll express the pun, I don’t think it’s a good argument.

Plenty of holy books, including the Bible, are full of genocidal intent or contain statements about aspects of modern life that many profoundly disagree with. They’re hugely outdated, which is one of the reasons that we don’t take them literally. Another reason that we, specifically, don’t take them too seriously is because over time, we’ve developed a civilisation containing institutions and a degree of stability that don’t exist elsewhere.

Despite the free school program by the Conservatives, there’s a general belief in comprehensive education, and a legal requirement for kids to be educated to a certain standard. We still have religiously oriented schools, but most teach tolerance and respect. It’s only really the illegal, off the books schools that don’t.

In places that have been ravaged by war, where infrastructure breaks down and essential family support structures can be utterly destroyed, those left behind are going to me more radical. Radical preachers are going to have an easier time recruiting.

The overall point is none of this happens in a vacuum. While I take your point that Islamic extremism drives this, we’re providing them with recruits through our actions overseas, a rather sorry state of affairs when the stated aim was to “fight them over there”.

I said all religion, Christian and Muslim values of course they can be learnt but fairytales from a book and In turn you live your life via that fairytale? Many rich kids have been radicalised Pap, many Christian radicals were wealthy, that simply doesn’t hold up.

No I’ve got it about right.

Overseas policy has of course contributed but many have possibly used that as a vehicle for their Jihad, why aren’t we calling it a holy war when they are?
We’re patronised and told it was a lone angry man who didn’t represent a religion, I’m very sceptical of those claims now as they have to have been radicalised somewhere and would have had to prayed somewhere, how many atrocities have we had this year officially given as ISIS supported and yet we still in our wooly culture have to blame it on a madman or small cell, any hate speech or proof of radicalism in a mosque or church then it should be close immediately and the person doing it prosecuted, rights?
Well that’s purely subjective right?

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

I said all religion, Christian and Muslim values of course they can be learnt but fairytales from a book and In turn you live your life via that fairytale? Many rich kids have been radicalised Pap, many Christian radicals were wealthy, that simply doesn’t hold up.

Makes you wonder why Prince Harry isn’t leading armies of Christian Radicals on crusades into Palestine. The text hasn’t changed. What gives, B?

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It was an away and Harry didn’t fancy a tricky fixture.

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tks what is srs reason tho do you think?

Edit: I already know the answer tbh, I just want to see if you do, out of Interest.

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I don’t I’m sorry as I don’t know what the question is?

I’m not sure it’s a wooly culture that describes a madman in a lorry as a madman in a lorry.

Personally I wouldn’t upgrade his status and give him the credibility of calling him a fighter in a Holy War.

Nor would I feel the need to relaunch the Crusades against anyone who has read the same book as him.

Blair and Bush tried that approach and I’m not sure it was a great success.

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