Released list

Six players released, after not having contracts renewed. Big names would be Hooiveld and Boruc. We also got shot of Cody Cropper, so I guess the search for an understudy keeper continues.

Jos Hooiveld
Artur Boruc
Cody Cropper
Omar Rowe
Jake Sinclair
Chris Johns

Both Boruc and Hooiveld did alright for us at various stages, but I won’t miss the Cruyff turns or the own goals :slight_smile:

i had to google chris johns to find out if he’s a foreign or black, so i could accuse the club of adopting UKIP releasement policies, but turns out he is a JWP (Junior White Person).

He is a GKer tho + so i Crapper, so i have decided we’re prob signing that Newcastle Youth GKer that was Linked in the Newspapers. I figured that all out myself. I’m prop the best analcyst on papsweb!

Goodbye Jos. Not feeling as great about Artur, as we really could have used him in the tail end of the season.


Artur was less than happy with Fraser being signed, doubt he wanted any of it.

*Salute* to Jos though, Put in a good shift for us at a shitty period.

Fair play to Artur for helping to get Bournemouth promoted, but it really wasn’t what we needed at the time. If a major problem is a lack of results when your first choice goalkeeper is crocked, then you need two decent goalies. Boruc spent some time out last season, and it really hurt us. Same thing with Fraser this year.

Nice vid for Jos, released at the start of this season when he went on loan.

Don’t remember Chappers having a mohawk.


That looks suspiciously like the fist from bletch’s wanking chair.