…says the Guardian reader.
Ouch, that’s gotta hurt.
He knows I’m joking.
no your not
… you’re
But I’m holier than thou
The standards of shpelling these days
I blame it on the Poles.
To be fair, he has a bit more exposure to Phil’s abysmal spelling than most on here. It rubs off.
You culled?
Ewe allaed?
Yew Hallled?
No me Tarzan.
You Jane.
These days it’s an individual decision for the bank - I bet that wasn’t what he was saying when the Tories fucked it up a couple of years back
I think he did - though in different circumstances, but hey, ho.
This farmer business
From what I have read maybe the best way to deal with this could be tackled differently
Exempt all farms from IHT regardless of size
The farm is passed to the next generation at zero cost, not market rate at date of death
When land is sold or set aside for carbon offset the proceeds are taxed as income
Where arable / pasture land is set aside or worse , rewilded , this falls outside and is taxed as full IHT
Use it or lose it
And that makes money for the rich how?
There is a (read the Guardian for more details) pan European thing for business to acquire farmland so they can screw the masses later
Been going on for years.
Fairly recently dead relatives farm in the Test Valley is big Farma now (geddit?)
It’s what happens when the offspring don’t want to carry on with something they don’t want or value - despite what is currently being peddled across the media.
Oh, look the Grauniad article and note:
“. Above this amount, landowners will pay inheritance tax at a reduced rate of 20%, rather than the standard 40%. This tax can be paid in instalments over 10 years interest free, rather than immediately, as with other types of inheritance tax. ”
Seems they’re getting preferential treatment over Joe Public…… - Guess it’s just the few big landowners who aren’t conglomerates who might, and I say might, be affected
Still, the some of the media like to tug at a bone even it’s a fake rubber one and their readers automatically froth at the mouth
Another conspiracy theory Phil?
they are my pension fund leave them alone