💳 ❓ Photo ID for Voting - good or bad

Not sure about driving licence as that is currently chargeable but yep, NI Card should be combined id for NHS/voting. Maybe provisional licence included for free :wink:

Why no sling in the driving licence for free - have everything linked to your NI number -
As you get additional “things” they are added to your records

A bit like govt gateway - we even have the system

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One card to rule them all.

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My Polish Driving Licence has Photo & PESEL Number - local NI version.
BUT I dont get an ID Card here, only Polish Nationals/Passport holders qualify


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Boris is brilliant. Pretty much any conviction he puts forward now is something that he’s railed against in the past. He’s like a one man Lib Dem party.

2004? Isn’t that what the opposition does these days? Shit can the govt policies just because they are the govt policy despite what you might believe - think there is a current example right now but struggling to put my finger on it.

Farage’s political opponents got hold of one of his essays written as a seventeen year old, and an interview with his art teacher who didn’t like him overmuch.

Fifteen years is the blink of an eye, man! :smiley:

Does this go here?

Apart from the Police and Crimes bill the most controversial I see is ID when voting…

Measures to tackle voting fraud

MPs and civil liberties groups have hit out at plans to require voters to provide proof of identity when casting a ballot, with Labour describing them as “cynical and ugly”.

Why do some politicians think “This is a cynical and ugly attempt to rig the system to disempower the poorest and most marginalised groups.” (David Lammy).

People have to show ID when picking parcels up, I’m sure these groups manage that?


Photo ID.
Compulsory for Voting? Bad.
Paying for Photo ID? CRIMINAL.

I got mine last month, integrated EU one BEFORE they started rolling out to locals.
No cost, quick efficient process.
Most critical rolls it performs

It carries my NI Number so in any emergency anywhere a hospital can pull up my limited Polish Medical records.
I can use the fast track EU Passports lane at any EU Airport flying back from outside and avoiding the queues.

Really helpful.

Is voting fraud a problem here?

The Tories like to float the idea that the postal vote system has been abused by Labour anjd community block voting.

But in answer to your question, if it exists, it’s negligible. The system itself constitutes a bigger fraud than anyone voting in it.

Not sure whether it’s good or bad - if you get issued one that’s probably ok. If you have to pay for one, that’s bad and it may put me off voting.
I must say I have been a little concerned for years that you just go into a polling booth, say who you are, and you get to vote; even showing your polling card would be better than nothing.
My last driving license was issued by gov with all the info they have, even the photo! So if the gov want to do this, they can just issue them, and sort out the chaos that will follow at the next election.

As a general rule if you want to do something that the Republican Party also wants to do you’re on the wrong side of history

With regards to photo ID for voting - how would that affect postal votes - how would you prove your id for these?

That said, if I have to prove I was the person on the voting card, it wouldn’t bother me.

If it is a condition of voting then they should not charge for it

Totally agree with this, if they’re going to bring it in then it should be free.

1 case was proved recently, so no it’s not.

However I was taking exception with Lammy’s quote and wondered if that’s a real concern…

Looking for a conspiracy theory - a conservative crony has already set up a deal with a “friend” to manufacture the only legally allowable voter Id, and if that’s where the money goes, I forego my right to vote!

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There will be a free ID card issued by the local authority for those that need one, as done in Northern Ireland

Thank the lord!
Really thought this would end up as some low level Tory scam, but perish the thought it hints at sensibility!

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