:pl::efl:⚽ Other Games this week

Things aren’t improving…3 - 0 41 minutes

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My Boss at the Ryder Cup is a Norwich fan…

Pretty devastating first half, the big question is…can Naarch turn this around. :rofl:

Well we can beat Leeds so no issue for us :grin:

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Are you and @OzSaintDave related by any chance :wink::joy:

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Did you miss our two games against them? Tut :+1:

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How many have I “inadvertently” missed this season? I’ve probably seen just under a Premier League fixture list so probably missed both :wink:

And now 4-0.

Norwich have not turned up. Odd


Oh FFS I cannot believe you posted that.
Anyway they will play WBA

Nope, Narich know going up and getting pasted and getting relegated straightaway isn’t the way to go, maybe?

Leeds were decent but Norwich were shocking

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That’s the new normal. Burnley were fantastic last season in the championship, look at them now.

In which case isn’t it time for the “big” clubs to join a breakaway super league? Oh, wait…. :man_facepalming:

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But they should have invested more. Offers for Tella were insulting low for example.

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Fair comment, but the cards are stacked against even that. For example, Forest invested heavily, and look what happened. Fine state of affairs when a club has to flout the rules or go down.

They invested stupidly. Where are so many of those big wage earners now? 23+ new players on big deals?

Staying up will be about finding Lavia’s not Larios’s

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This. Signed too many players as well as not many of them being any good. Dumb as fck


They stayed up though, didn’t they. Everyone who got promoted last season has gone straight back down.

Charly Alcarez has won more solverware than Harry Kane


Copa Italia


Oxford two up against Bolton in the L1 playoff final close to half time. Looking good value for it as well.