:pl: ⚽ Other Games - Game Week 3 2021/22

Brandon Williams apparently fucks up for Leicester’s opener against Norwich, oh dear, how sad, nevermind.

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Half times


Chelsea one up at Anfield… Havertz 22 minutes.

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Dippers gifted a penalty by VAR and the ref. And to add insult to injury, James sent off for allowing a fierce shot from two yards from him to hit his leg and ricochet up onto his arm.

Shocking refereeing, really shocking.

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Total fuckin’ nonsense…that needs simple common sense to sort out…none shown there. :lou_facepalm_2:

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I don’t see what the ref thinks James could have done differently.

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James could have not moved his hand to scoop the ball forwards but clear Pen & Red

It hit his knee from 2 yards, do you think he controlled it towards his hand?

When you watch it at full speed the reaction time needed to make the move deliberate is impossible. The brain doesn’t act that quickly…to say that was intentional means you don’t understand the time it takes for the brain to convert what it sees into action.
Total nonsense when you make a judgement by slowing the action to frame by frame.

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Just repeating all the ESPN pundits

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Not sure what the Sky pundits were saying because it was probably bollocks.


Why I try & watch the Yanks!

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I always thought Klopp looked a prize cunt in those glasses of his.

Until I saw him without them.


1-1 :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::+1::+1:

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Well at least the Dippers didn’t get all the points. Ended 1 - 1 giving me 3 Superbru points. :lou_lol:



Wolves looking good against utd. Fred looking absolutely shite as usual.

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