As good as Liverpool are this shows how weak the League actually is, going below them and the top flight is pretty shit, my point is demonstrated by United could go 2nd if they win their games in hand, they’re shite.
One thing I have noticed regarding the commentators and pundits on Sky, BT etc, although, without fail they mention our Leicester game every time we are on, sometimes multiple times, even though it happened over a year ago, Liverpool having seven put past them by Villa just a couple of months ago never gets mentioned, I’ve never heard it once. Even though it was arguably a bigger shock than ours. It’s as if it never happened. It just shows the
automatic unthinking bias towards the so called ‘big clubs’.
I know, the Bro’ in law is here picking up Xmas pressies (socially distanced of course and pre Johnson’s latest announcement) and I could hear his howls of pain from the kids old play room where he’s banished to watch the match.
I have no idea.
I was looking for a stream of Ev Arse & it loaded Beeb 1.
Mrs P_F noticed, I was doomed then hooked.
55 year old geezer made the Nation smile tonight by dancingvtova classic Rap song.
That sums up 2020