🗓 On this date in history

Sneaking into Winchester Cathedral Close to take pictures of my old jalopy…


Meeting my Son who’d flown in from Germany, at Baker Street Spoons, then later wandering around Covent Garden before luckily being woken by hysterical laughter just before the train doors shut and I would have been overnight in in Exeter St David’s…

Today…last year…still with her mum…

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Also on this date, in 1969, Trout Mask Replica - Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band’s magnum opus - was released. Apparently its release date was put back from late May at the insistence of Don van Vliet, aka Captain Beefheart, though this may just be a piece of apocrypha.


Usually fishing on this day (opening day of the season) or having a drink with my brother as it’s his birthday.

Well Francis Drake claimed California for Britain today back in 15something or other… it is known that he had long sun bleached hair, liked surfing and listened to Pet Sounds

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50 years ago today, folks!

LITSL hasn’t got round to it yet, he’s still using guineas and tipping his staff in farthings.


I heard it was groats.


Surely you mean goats?

(No, not @Goatboy)

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…and your point?

It was a tried and trusted system and as we all know if it ain’t broke…

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It wasn’t a criticism. I still refer to 50p as ten bob.

But not entirely logical tbf.

I’ll have you know my generation sweated their thruppenny bits off learning 12 pennies make a shilling, 20 shillings make a pound, 4 farthings make a penny, 240 pennies make a pound, 30 pennies make half a crown, 24 pennies make 2 bob, 3 pennies make a thruppenny bit, 4 thruppenny bits make a shilling, 6 pennies make a tanner, 8 half crowns make a quid, 21 shillings make a guinea and you could buy a Beatles single for 6/-8d.

What could be easier.


My point exactly- except for the very last bit :wink:

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…and as an added bonus, it confused the foreigners. I have no idea why we abandoned it. :thinking::frowning:

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Ten years in the past.

Says the man who has taken 11 months to reply to that post.

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Think I would have been 7 months into a childcare sabbatical and at this moment in time cooking dinner for everyone, making sure the kids had everything ready for school and wondering when it’d be safe enough to crack open a bottle of Dad’s patent relaxing elixir…

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