☎ New Phone For Lady LITSL This Christmas


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RTFM Litsl. It is really easy after you do that


YOU CUNT… where’s my Slider. I WANT MY SLIDER PHONE. :hot_face:


I thought I’d better bring you all up to speed on this traumatic event in my and Ladyslowlane’s life.

This morning with plans to destroy the Samsung factory on hold due to the overnight intervention of Sotonians smart thingy guru, I prepared to put his sage advice into action. I won’t mention Bob by name as he doesn’t want to be plagued by technophobe septuagenarians wanting their phones sorted out. Let’s just call him Chambers at the moment.

After staring at the screen for several hours before plucking up the courage to start tapping on it, I finally jumped in feet first and followed Chamber’s instructions. Having found that inputting the email account details and clicking the “Done” prompt was not sufficient to win Samsung’s approval, in desperation I tapped on a little “tick” in the top right hand corner. A little whirly thing started and soon approved my email account…and it only took two days.

Armed with this magic “tick” I set about the previously angrily disguarded Lady Slowlane device, to quickly become her favourite husband again.

Peace reigns thoughout Slowlane Towers again. Grateful thanks from myself and Lady Slowlane to Chambers of course. :lou_lol:


Favourite? She has more than one??

You Slowlanes are very modern all things considered :wink:

I am but the latest in a long line of disguarded gadgets.