:labour: New Old Labour in trouble

No one loves shoot to kill it is simply a reaction to people carrying guns, call it what you want, state sponsored terrorism, saving lives, it makes no difference it is not going away and that is a battle you’ll never win nor even get a look in.

I voted for Corbyn as he will shake up the party and sort out nu labour, old labour and the ones with money and a conscience, he dithers and doesn’t know what way to turn, if he thinks silence is a noble attribute towards the media and he decisions then he has been asleep for the last 40 years, he shouldn’t be so naive and he should start fighting dirty, he has to as he wont last long as it wont be the shadow cabinet getting him out it’ll be the press.

Loughgall is an example of political correctness completely fucked up, you can’t kill your killer but he can kill you and walk. Are we so arrogant to believe terrorists will observe rules as we do? Political correctness is the greatest example of white western (European) arrogance.

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

you can’t kill your killer

not easy, but it can be done. I.e. I was parachuting, and some bro on the ground shot out my parachute, what I could do is angle my descent so that I land on him + thus kill my killer.

I appreciate in the normal course of things it’s not as easy as that though. I suppose a lot of times, by the time you’ve been killed, you’ve already left it too late. Hardly the fault of PC bros tho, is it?

I agree with you but those named by the bbc reports are Hilary Benn, Keith Vaz, Pat McFadden and Chris Leslie. The BBC reporters are named too. To be fair to Corbyn, it also reports that he has clarified his position on shoot to kill at least, with this updated statement from him after various exchanges with his own party:

Mr Corbyn told Labour’s National Executive Committee “any kind of shoot-to-kill policy” posed “clear dangers to us all” and said terrorism should not be used to undermine freedom and legal protection.
He added: “But of course I support the use of whatever proportionate and strictly necessary force is required to save life in response to attacks of the kind we saw in Paris.”

I think you need to look at the current situation Bearsy as opposed to flingy yourself out of aircraft trying to kill people, I bet you are a very good shot though.

It will always come down to preemptive or to detain, how can you detain when they wont be taken alive and wont let you shoot thier legs or chest? Shoot first ask questions later in the case of hard evidence, detain on a reason to believe an offence is about to take place, you cant let it take place now can you? Well some would and then there would be a bigger shitstorm.

Originally posted by @Bucks

I agree with you but those named by the bbc reports are Hilary Benn, Keith Vaz, Pat McFadden and Chris Leslie. The BBC reporters are named too. To be fair to Corbyn, it also reports that he has clarified his position on shoot to kill at least, with this updated statement from him after various exchanges with his own party:

Which one of them branded Corbyn a fucking disgrace?

Dianne Abbot…

From his performance in the sack or his statement on shoot to kill?

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

Dianne Abbot…

The Independent article reckons it was a bloke. They were that specific, at least :lou_facepalm_2:

This is what bothers me about the whole thing. How do we know that this bloke committed these atrocities in the first place and how do we know he was the person taken out? I assume he was blown to atoms so how do we get confirmation that it was him? All we have to go on is the word of the security forces. If these are the same people that sold us a pup with the weapons of mast destruction BS then I dont feel happy in just taking their word for it. Where possible I am all for putting these people through the judicial system and then, if found guilty, throwing them in jail for the rest of their lives. Sadly the bastards often tend blow themselves up before we can get to them but I think we should aim to arrest them where possibly if we can do so without risk to others. I am with Jeremy on this.

And there would also be a huge shitstorm if as part of the shoot to kill policy an innocent bystander was killed.

I refer to him and Abbot shagging in the 70’s…

Originally posted by @Sadoldgit

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

It will always come down to preemptive or to detain, how can you detain when they wont be taken alive and wont let you shoot thier legs or chest? Shoot first ask questions later in the case of hard evidence, detain on a reason to believe an offence is about to take place, you cant let it take place now can you? Well some would and then there would be a bigger shitstorm.

And there would also be a huge shitstorm if as part of the shoot to kill policy an innocent bystander was killed.

There would be and rightly so but we will always that policy whether its in the news or not, that will never go away.

Now there is an image that I could do without today. Almost as bad as Major and Currie. Yuck.

At least you got it.

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Oh come on, Edwina was a right MILF at the time…

I bet she was a right go-er!

I was reading something from a guy the other day who was thinking of changing to Labour because of Corbyn. To date he has voted Liberal or Social Democrat. I was brought up in a Conservative voting family and voted that way in my first election until I started to take a proper interest in polictics and fell in with the Liberals - later SDs. I was very disaffected when they joined with the Torys to form the previous coaltion and although I will always be liberal with a small L I am struggling with what the party has become. However, and I never thought I would say this, but I am finding myself agreeing more and more with what Corbyn says. Who knows, perhaps I have been a closet red all along but it is refreshing to see a normal bloke in politics again rather than one of the airbrushed robots who have been served up to us since the Blair days.


I think a lot of people are going to have your experience, SOG. By far the most vitriol I’ve seen directed at him has come from political geeks or at the other end of the scale, fearful racists that presumably go to Goodwood thinking there’s a fundamentalist hiding inside every thoroughbred :lou_lol:

There have been a few incidents that have amused me since Jeremy Corbyn became a candidate. First off, the spectacle of watching people say he’d never get elected as Labour leader have to very quickly shift their position to “he won’t win a general election” was lovely.

The other thing that has been amusing, which really speaks to your post, has been reading people moan about not having any conviction politicians, and then when we get some, say that they are unrealistic.

Who hasn’t admired the sheer balls of labelling warmongers, advocates of an unregulated free market and fans of weapons of mass destruction as “moderates”?

The bloke who wants to get rid of nukes, talk his way to resolutions, nationalise mission critical infrastructure and invest more money in housing and education? Left wing extremist.

You couldn’t fucking make it up.

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