:labour: New Old Labour in trouble

Very good.



It’s a long read, but a good one. Very well argued and referenced.

Raises a few questions doesn’t he.
Think that’s long? You want to read the guardian article about BDS from @Fowllyd
Possibly the longest thing i’ve seen in the guardian and quite well done.

Bookmarked them both to read later. Us slow readers need help.

To be honest you need a lot of help. I’d start with a personal shopper/fashion advisor tbh


I read because it suits slow. You get to stop, think & revisit(very helpful for someone of my language skills). Modern media offers the opposite by deliberate design.
Get rid of your TV and all of a sudden, you’ll read so much more.
If you do, spend some of the time reading about the studies done on the effects of TV(before the event and after). It’s scarily accurate and like tobacco and oil before it, hidden from the public.
P. S both good, well researched articles. Also, well done for promoting the excellent features on Discourse. :clap:



I’m not sure what the difference is there. He seems to be saying be might stay a member but vote Green.

The msm broke out in a BIG STORY saying he had QUIT the Party - ie resigned membership. They have had to now retract that False News.

So we have False/Fake News thrown into an anti-semitism focus from a “famous” Labour Supporter. A bullshit story.

The actual story for me in that is "I find it difficult to understand what Labour really stands for or what it represents right now.

I think that is a very valid point to be honest. They sure are not an Opposition at the moment in the true sense of the word. They are just a bunch of infghting Tory clones beating up some sweet old guy :lou_eyes_to_sky:



Here’s a quote from JC about a speech given by the Palestinian ambassador to the UK a few years back

This was dutifully recorded by the, thankfully silent, Zionists who were in the audience on that occasion, and then came up and berated him afterwards for what he had said.

“They clearly have two problems. One is that they don’t want to study history, and secondly, having lived in this country for a very long time, probably all their lives, don’t understand English irony either.

Is that anti semetic? Saying people don’t know history or understand irony?

Not anti semetic, Although he is generalising and being rather condescending.

I think your capital A is anti semetic.

I can see why there is a fuss.

THEY is being interpreted as ALL ZIONISTS and ALL ZIONISTS is being interpreted as ALL JEWS.

I believe THEY was meant to be the people in the audience and ZIONISTS referred to those listening that support the creation of the state of Israel.

There might have been a one to one link between the zionists and a shared Jewish religion but that, I’m sure, was irrelevant to Corbyn.

Ironically I believe that the recent guidelines to the membership would advise against that sort of language - Zionist as an insult.

Would you be insulted if someone called you a believer in political zionism?

But why is it being interpreted in that way? He was clearly talking about a small group of Zionists in the audience. People are reading what they want into it. What’s concerning is the number of people on Twitter who have used this as the last straw…mehdi Hussain being the main one I’ve seen. He’s backed JC so far with all the anti semetism stuff but says this is too far (although concedes that jc is not a racist or anti Semite but needs to think about the language he uses).

Nope. Not at all.

Where I say I can see why there is a fuss, I’m not suggesting that the fuss is justified. I’m explaining to Fatso that this isn’t about history and irony - which I suspect he knew anyway.

Well, we all know why it’s being interpreted that way.

Well given that it’s clear that’s he’s addressing a small group, why should there be a fuss? This is no different to any of the other ludicrous accusations.

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Because a minority are very skilful at manipulating the media to further their own agenda maybe?

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