I’m looking for some feedback, and whilst I know that whenever I ask you lot to help with technology it usually turns into something as palatable as another ‘cock-op’, but if two or three of you could let me know what you think I’d be grateful.
How to test
These instructions are meant to be self-selecting - if you don’t understand them, then they weren’t meant for you.
Go into your theme settings. (User settings, Preferences, Interface, Theme)
Remember the theme you are currently using
Change your theme to “Sam’s Simple Theme” then hit Save Changes
Reload your browser page or stop your browser app and re-start it
Go into Personal Messages and look at the new chat-bubble approach
Come back to this thread and tell me what you think
I hate it. Things are always better how they are and modern life is shit
I love it. It’s transformed the way I feel about life and I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders
Go back in to your theme settings (instructions in 1. above)
Change your theme back to the previous one (that you remembered from 2. above) and hit Save Changes.
The poll results show an alarming “couldn’t give a shit” attitude about this new feature. I think the community are still waiting for the twitter bug to be resolved. Such a shame the powers that be have lost the ability to read the public pulse.
Due to the 100% approval in the poll, this is now the default for personal messages.
If you see any problems let me know…so I can tell you to fuck off, point you back to the poll, and then tell you that you should have tried it and told me about them at the time.
You can, but you’ll have less of a pool of contacts to work with after all the people that have left due to Corbyn, @Goatboy’s finger puppet show, Brexit, COVID and deep-seated emotional problems.