
Anybody here play Minecraft?

I’m using it as a teaching aid in a couple of schools - teaching kids to code, and helping socially, emotionally and behaviourally challenged kids to manage their issues.

Does anyone have any experience with mods and setting up their own servers? I could do with picking some brains.

I had a little go back in the day. Great game for kids of all ages really. People have done some very impressive stuff with it. Thanks to this thread, I’ve found Westeroscraft, which tries to be the best Minecraft version of the Game of Thrones universe!

Haven’t done much with servers, soz.

Fantastic game, genuine masterpiece. Fair play to Notch, he accidentally created an absolute juggernaut and hot out when he felt it was too much for him. He’s also made an absolute packet in the process, which doesn’t hurt.

Dull fact, he was a former employee at King.
Not delved in too much myself Bletch, but I’ll ask around when I’m back in the office next week Bletch. Someone may have some good thoughts on this.

I absolutely destest the game, my son is absolutely addicted to it. He’ll watch videos on minecraft on his tablet whilst playing the bleeding thing.

It’s got so bad that we’ve had to introduce family safety and restrict his time on the computer, trouble is though my wife is so shit that she told him her password now he keeps adding time for himself.

Hate and detest it and all YouTubers associated with it, especially StampyLongNose who must have the most annoying voice ever.

Oh, maybe it’s my age, but I just don’t “get” it.

Yep, I think we got that, Bob.

As for me, I’ve no idea what you’re talking about, I’m afraid, Bletch.

Kid goat is obsessed in a similar fashion. I don’t get it either but ho hum. At least she’s not out getting fingered or robbing old people.

Kid goat is obsessed in a similar fashion. I don’t get it either but ho hum. At least she’s not out getting fingered or robbing old people.

What? He’s out getting robbed and fingering old people instead? He’s doing it wrong.

Many of the kids I’m working with are on the autistic spectrum, one is Down’s and others have a diagnosis of ADHD.

I think the appeal for them comes from the simple rules of the minecraft world.

There is a finite number of block types to mine and create. You can destroy blocks, or you can build blocks. That’s it really.

I think they enjoy the predictability and some of them need to have structure and no surprises.

There are two modes; survival and creative. I use it in creative mode where you start with an empty world and build stuff.

I teach the kids how to create stuff using programming. i.e. instead of making Steve (the bloke in Minecraft that you does your bidding) run around and lay blocks one at a time, you write programs that can create shapes and blocks very quickly.

I’ll post some screen captures later - for those that don’t have a clue about the game.

For those that don’t get it, just think LEGO for the digital age, but better, because it isn’t bounded by the amount of bricks you can afford, or indeed, the laws of physics. Free floating blocks happen in Minecraft.

I think it all tremendously encouraging, really. By stealth, your kids are learning about design, exploration, composition of stuff, where it might be found and the importance of things like light.

The game has a day night cycle, a survival aspect and enemies. Mostly they come out at night. Mostly. Actually, I think they always come out at night, but I’m a sucker for a good Aliens reference.

Day one, you’ve got to find enough shit to build a shelter, and know how to build that shelter. Main task on that first day is to find fire, and you have to know how to make each thing to do it. I haven’t played in a while, but the last version I played wasn’t hot on handholding, perhaps one of the reasons an entire online community has formed around it

This is very cool.


3D Printing Minecraft stuff.

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I agree with Papster here. Granted, I’m not a parent, but there’s certainly a hell of a lot worse things for your kids to be hooked on.

It teaches so much, without kids really realising how much they are learning. The focus on creativity is brilliant, and that is a skill that should absolutely be encouraged. I’m clearly biased, but I think videogames can play an important role in development - you shouldn’t worry that they are playing, more what they are playing is the key.

My dear Mum spent my childhood fretting that I spent far too much on my sega/playstation etc, but it’s done me fine, and actually helped me get a career :slight_smile:

Obviously balance is key, and other activities should be encouraged but I wouldn’t worry about kids spending time onsomething like Minecraft - there’s a lot of value to be gained from it.

Bletch, I made a few enquiries, but no-one has found anything yet. I’ll keep asking though and get back to you if I hear of anything.

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Cheers, KRG. I appreciate your efforts.

I’m afraid to say I don’t really get it, unless all it is is a simple architecture program?

Sorry, skipped over this somehow.

I ran a Minecraft server for a couple of years, although I didn’t run any mods on it. It’s pretty trivial to do, Minecraft’s basically a Java app. You could probably run one from a home PC without much effort, but

  1. You need a pc that is on 24x7 so people can log on

  2. you need to configure your home router to port forward to said PC

  3. You need Java running (*spit*)

Ping us any questions you have, I’ll try and answer what I can :slight_smile:

Many thanks, Korruptor I’m OK with running a server (I’m using CanaryMod and have also tried Bukkit), but it really is the modding process that I’m specifically interested in.

It seems as though Minecraft Forge is a sort of plugin architecure that allows you to develop Java-based plugins that sit within Forge and interact with the Minecraft world, but I’m sure how to set this up and build my own plugins.

I’m using a Java plugin that allows me to interact with Minecraft using the Python languge - which is a very popular teaching language. This is OK as far as it goes, but there are things I can’t do that I’d like to be able to.

Thanks for your offer of help. As I learn more, I might shoult a few questions to see if you’ve got any experience in those areas.

Cheers, Bletch.

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Sorry to dig up a dead horse, but overheard a couple of folks talking about this yesterday and asked for a bit of info.

Someone said they had tried Learntomod and had some success with it. Not sure if this is of much help to you, and it does look like a subscription service. But, I thought I’d pass it on at least.

Apologies if it’s no use to you.

Weirdly, this also popped up on my Twitter feed this am: Minecraft used to teach chemistry.

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I find it incredibly relaxing, haven’t played it in a while but very chilled.

My 6 yo grandson is absolutely addicted to it and, I think, is very good (although my eyes glaze over when he tells me what he’s done). He plays online with his cousin and they both watch the youtube videos. Their bedrooms are both decorated with a Minecraft theme.

He has mild Asperger’s syndrome and is very bright for his age. I’ll talk to his father (who is a teacher) about teaching him code because I think the preciseness of code would appeal to his very ordered mind.


Very interesting. I hadn’t heard about the LearnToMod but will take a look. The cost might be an issue using it in school, but they might offer educational discount/FoC subscriptions.


The kids I work with all have some Autistic Spectrum Disorder diagnosis, and without exception they all love the coding sessions in Minecraft - for the reasons you mention.

I haven’t worked with anyone with an Asperger’s diagnosis, but I would imagine it would be specifically rewarding for them.

I did work with a girl who had an Asperger’s diagnosis for a while, but all she wanted to do was act! I couldn’t get her near a PC if I tried.

Let me know if you need any information re your grandson and Minecraft.