Metal Gear Solid : Phantom Pain

The Metal Gear might be one of my favourite series of all time. I say might, because while the first and second games were completed soon after they were released, I finished 3 six years after release and I still haven’t finished the fourth.

Even so, there’s a new game coming out tomorroe which I might just skip the fourth for. Extremely well reviewed ( 95 on Metacritic is pretty good going ). Anyone else thinking of getting a Solid Snake on soon?

Can you still hide under a cardboard box?

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I think it’d be violating some sort of consumer code if it called itself Metal Gear and you couldn’t hide in a cardboard box.

I’m going to make a controversial comment.

MGS are the most over-rated series of games ever.

There, I said it. Hate me.

Never played it, I always assumed from its name that it was FPS with the player in a Pacific Drift type robot fighting other players in Pacific Drift type robots.

Now reading about it it seems more akin to Splinter Cell which I was totally crap at…

Originally posted by @BTripz

Never played it, I always assumed from its name that it was FPS with the player in a Pacific Drift type robot fighting other players in Pacific Drift type robots.

Nah, it’s a crazy stealth game noted for having long cut-scenes and memorable characters, especially the bosses.

The plots are hatstand. I thought the first game was crazy, but the ending of the second one blew me away the first time I caught it.

MGS3 is very emotional.

Now reading about it it seems more akin to Splinter Cell which I was totally crap at…

Yeah, Splinter Cell took it off, and is actually easier to control for newbies. This one is open world though.

Plumped for this on PC. I have finished the prologue chapter and while I cannot speak about the larger game mechanics yet, I can tell you that the intro was intense, and contained all the little bits that makes Metal Gear unique. It’s got stealth, weirdness and people that should not be. Once again I’m reminded that Kojima has spent much of his life watching movies. No other gamemaker makes me feel like I’m in the middle of some fucking awesome blockbuster, greenlighted by people on lots of coke that really should have known better, but it somehow works anyway.

Will check in when I’ve logged more time.

Pap, thoughts on a “What are you Playing” thread?

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I’m up for that.

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