:pl: :mancityfc: Man City v Southampton :saintsfc: (Live on :sky_Logo: Sports)

Bert Rand right back/ Stephens mid field??

First thoughts after seeing the starting eleven is that Ralf has written off the 3 points before we start, in favour of progress in the cup. Not sure Iā€™m entirely happy with that.

So itā€™s Bertrand at right back and Salisu left back.

According to the commentator (Andy Hinchcliffe) thatā€™s because Salisu is right footed. Excellent knowledge right there. :+1:t2:

5 minutes mentioned the Leicester 9 - 0ā€¦spoilt for choice arenā€™t they. :lou_eyes_to_sky:

McCarthys distribution is much better than Forsters, Iā€™m guessing.

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5Live tater declined to state one of those scoresā€¦

I find that hard to believe.

Oddly enough, thatā€™s exactly what our gardener just said to me. In fact, heā€™s staked five new pennies on it :+1::+1:

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OMG he is still saying Salisu is right footed. Use ya fucking eyes mate

Itā€™s true - rewind. :+1:

Saints also 75% possession so far too

Chambers is so confident weā€™ll lose heā€™s said he will buy each member of staff a bottle of Champers if we win.

Personally I think it will be Prosecco.


Fuck it.

Oh well. It was good while it lasted :roll_eyes:

Or stolen from your extensive champagne cellar

Too easy for them. Three attackers in acres of space.

No I do a daily stock check.

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I hate to say it, but that all stemmed from a poor pass out from McCarthy that JWP couldnā€™t control.

Organised :white_check_mark:
Anywhere near same quality or class :x:
