Logging in for the first time (Wiki)


You may experience some difficulties logging in to the new forum. This can be for a number of reasons, most likely because you can’t remember your old Sotonians password.

If you are unable to log in try the following steps in order.

  1. You username may not be recognised - a small number of usernames that previously had a space in between words have had to be changed as Discourse does not allow spaces in usernames. We have replaced the space with a hyphen (dash). So if your username was previously.

    fred blogs

    try logging in as


  2. You have forgotten your password or your password is not working. If this happens to you click on the I forgot my password link on the loggin in screen:


    You will then be asked to enter the email address that you signed up to Sotonians with and a password reset link will be emailed to you at that address.

    PLEASE REMEMBER to check in your spam mail folder for the password reset message as our email service is new and your email provider may not trust it yet.

  3. If you still can’t log in after trying these steps, send a text to me at 07955 435287 describing your problem. Please remember to include your email address and the username you used to sign up to Sotonians.

I have sold your phone number on to various marketing companies. You’re going to get bombarded by (even more) Viagra salespeople.


IRL I am very lonely and needy.

The only reason I put my number there was so I could meet and chat with interesting people.

You’re not one of them.


My browser will remember my username and password but there’s no “remember me” tick box so I have to log in every visit.

Any way around this?

OK forget that…it’s logged on this time. :blush:

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