Jobs that ain't all they're cracked up to be

The lifeguard at the hotel I’m staying at works from 9am to 6pm. It’s an adults-only hotel; most people take themselves off to the beach or somewhere else for the day; a lot of those that remain probably struggle to get themselves in and out of the bath let alone the swimming pool; and those that are able to make it from the loungers to the pool tend to just lull around in the shallow end. The poor bloke looks bored stiff and I suspect this job has turned out to be a lot less glamorous than he had imagined.

In short, I reckon the job of lifeguard ain’t necessarily all it’s cracked up to be. Does anyone know different, or does anyone know of other jobs that fall under this category?

Window Cleaner. Robin Asquith is a lying bastard.


Originally posted by @Halo-Stickman

The lifeguard at the hotel I’m staying at works from 9am to 6pm. It’s an adults-only hotel; most people take themselves off to the beach or somewhere else for the day; a lot of those that remain probably struggle to get themselves in and out of the bath let alone the swimming pool; and those that are able to make it from the loungers to the pool tend to just lull around in the shallow end. The poor bloke looks bored stiff and I suspect this job has turned out to be a lot less glamorous than he had imagined.

In short, I reckon the job of lifeguard ain’t necessarily all it’s cracked up to be. Does anyone know different, or does anyone know of other jobs that fall under this category?

At a hotel in Egypt, the lifeguard of the pool we used was in a similar situation. Being an enterprising fellow he became the unofficial pool butler. He would sort out sun beds, towels, come round and clean your sunnies, organise drinks. It was brilliant. I swear he made three times his salary in tips.

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Anything in the public sector unless it is an MP. If it is an MP, fill your boots (not that I am bitter).

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Being a lifeguard on a beach has to be better than at a hotel. Staring at fit ladies all day with the occasional opportunity of given them CPR can’t be bad? The Hoff seemed to enjoy it!

Not everyone can do it SOG, Some people stand in the darkness, afraid to step into the light.

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I thought stepping into the light is what it is all about?

Air Hostesses, cabin crew or whatever they are called nowdays. Glorified skivvies who risk their lives every day by defying gravity in jet powered tin cans whilst waiting hand and foot on a bunch of ungrateful oiks who think they are special because they are flying and not on a bus. Cant see anything glamorous in that.


I once applied to be an airsteward as I wanted to travel a bit and I now work in the public sector and have done for about 14 years. It’s time to move on. I will keep an eye out on here to know which jobs to avoid!

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I did a milk round just after i left the Services…back in the day when ships were made of wood and men were made of steel :laughing:

Weston…lots of luvvvverly ladies who could not pay there bill…frightened me :astonished:

But all was ok…as each day one or other of the lifts was broken in those four tower blocks :blush: Weston shore.

Up and down stairwells with crates…never any cream left :innocent:…not what it was cracked up to be :wink:

Lasted four weeks and got a job in Thorneycrofts :cool: where men took me out drinking most days :cool:

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Old Ottery, I can’t imagine how you could even have existed on The Other Place. You’re so merry!

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I think he has been on the sherberts

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A bar maid in my local has got a job with BA and she is thrilled. They are mixing short and long haul now which didnt used to happen so she will get a greater variety of travel. Having heard about the further cuts coming to the private sector it is a good time to go. My missus and I have both left this year. Not saying it is easier anywhere else, but it is clearly going to get much tougher for those in the non protected agencies.

Noooooooooo sherberts…in training for Rio Olympic games. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Very uncomfortable in the armchair for the London Games. :kiss:

Not at Sultan Gardens in Sharm was it?

It was the Savoy. The chaps name was Barkley, if my memory is not too befuddled.

I wish our lifeguard would organise me a drink: it’s hot work lying here in the sun trying to decide whether I should walk 25 yards to the pool or 25 yards to the sea. :smile:

This bloke has to be lying



“I will teach you to be the world’s best tossers”, he says.

Then he looks at the Southampton defectors and says “I see some of you are already well versed”.


Probably needs a different thread title but I’m with this guy (tbh I don’t recall him in Lucifer or IASIP - but hey)

I’ve done other “jobs” without embarrassment- mostly when younger & seasonable tbf - I’ve worked in a supermarket, kitchen helper, stand in chef, waited on tables, pulled pints & probably worked for @Bearsy digging holes when (much) younger. Even did a stint at Marccie -D’s as well as Soton Council…and done some farm work

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