Guns at games

Our American cousins in Washington are putting forward legislation to allow people to carry guns into American football matches.

Could you imagine that at a footie game? Aside from the fact that the Itchen North would be a decidedly more dicey place to sit, Clattenburg wouldn’t last ten minutes


Absolutely harmless. What could possibly go wrong??


At least you wouldn’t mind the players diving then.

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The Americans are fucking nuts! Playing into the hands…

most the 49ers team would have been gunned down by now!

“How’s he missed from 1 yard?! Rodriguez, you tit! He needs shooting!”


At least the early leavers would only do it the once.


If it encourages our players to score, i’m up for it. Good way to dissuade the opposition from shooting as well i’d say.

Seriously though, you’d imagine the price of insuring the players would go through the roof.

Will i have to buy a gun?

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Anyone remember this?

Commentating on the Argentina–Romania match in the 1994 FIFA World Cup, Hansen said that “the Argentine defender warrants shooting for a mistake like that”. The previous day, Colombian defender Andrés Escobar had been shot dead, a killing widely attributed to punishment for an own goal Escobar scored in Colombia’s 2–1 loss to the United States earlier in the same tournament. The BBC issued a public apology for Hansen’s poor choice of words.

It’ll be like (skip to 3 minutes in)…

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Tbf, I did actually take a gun one time I went to Fratton Park. The game with the riot.

If sturridge changes his victory dance to that, then I say we should sign him.

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Was it your father’s gun?

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Phew…thank God you got that, Bletch. I thought for a moment there I might end up being done for some historical firearms charge via an uncontextualised internet brag.

I should clarify I did not discharge the aforementioned firearm. There was no firearm just some mild encouragement from a family member that I should support the Saints.

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TBF I don’t think any of us wanted to acknowledge your comic genius in case you tried to give us another example!!