🗣 Gigs

Kid Creole, London Palladium last night.

Still great after all these years. I last saw them in '82 at the Gaumont, when they opened the show with Lifeboat Party (which was one of the final numbers yesterday.)
He’s definitely still got it. And the new Coconuts are up to par as well :heart_eyes::smile: in fact, the only missing element was the wonderful Bongo Eddie. :cry:

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Pete Tong and his orchestra belting out Ibiza classics on Fri night at Sandown race course. Good fun!


One that will make @PhilippineSaint smile.
Saw Kid Creole and his gang at the opening party of what became the legendary hooker nightclub next to the old Highland Lodge

We got to drink a cocktail or 3 with him, great laugh, great set.

Obviously i cant remember the name of the club :roll_eyes:

No Idea what it was called but probably met you in there :slight_smile: Before leaving early with a tart.
The Highland lodge was always good for a Brunch though.

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There, corrected it for you :wink:

I found a photo of Kid


Curved Air in New Milton tonight.

Really excellent show. I knew almost nothing about them before this evening, couldn’t even have named a song. But those two hours flew by.


Blimey they’re still going? Original line up?

Original singer and guitarist, plus I think the keyboard player.


Stuart Copeland played with them for a bit before he joined The Police as I recall.

Indeed he did. In fact, he was married to the singer and had two children with her.

Just back from Beautiful Days festival in Devon. Line-up didn’t really do it for me this year but was a cracking festival anyway.
Enjoyed Richard Hawley, Fat Freddys Drop, Dutty Moonshine Band, This Is The Kit and Jeremy Corbyn :smiley:

Playing an acoustic set?

Supported by the Commienards and Yid Creole.

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Yep still banging the same old drum.

We can’t make this one, away visiting friends. But here’s a heads-up for any fans of the Canterbury scene, Soft Machine have just been announced for the 14th November at the 1865. We saw them last year, still excellent and I thoroughly recommend them.

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I saw LCD Soundaystem and The Pixies last night at Victoria Park, part of the All Points East festival.

Both were technically excellent. No complaints with the quality of their live skills.

The Pixies just rattled through it, with an understandably big focus on the Doolittle album. Little attempt to build a rapport with the crowd though. I get the reasons why you might want a touch of mystique in the early days but it has been thirty years and you’re still eating off that one album and Where is my mind?

LCD Soundsystem were not their usual loquacious selves, but they had a good reason - they’d just found out that someone who used to play with them had died. The shiw must go on, and it did.

It’s quite something to see a band in mourning on stage. There were tears. There was anger, perhaps best expressed in a rather trashy ending of New York I Love You…

It was a rather special gig and I’m glad I got to see it.

Especially cool because firstborn was with me and managed to secure us VIp and backstage with her London connections.




£50m guarantee for a World Tour allegedly

Aw crap

They left Gladto weekend free.
Gonna have to try and get tickets/get fit enough now.

Have to apply for other gigs, could pay for next years holiday
