🐉 💺 ⚔ Game Of Thrones /spoilers

They say fuck for the same reason that the Common Tongue is the exact same thing as English. Other shows pitch younger, so Battlestar Galactica use “frack” instead.

If you’re doing a show aimed at adults, and they’re all speaking English anyways, why invent some in-world alternative for fuck when the real world version is understood readily and the world you’re depicting is different enough anyway?

I even support it in actual historical shows where the actors speak English and the word has no good historical need to be there. Whatever people actually said, they probably had an equivalent of “fuck”. Dramatically, it just stops the confusion for the audience.

Three more episodes to go for this run. I think I have a fair idea of what is going to happen going by episode titles.

The next show is entitled “No one”, which implies a big Arya episode, and probably the conclusion of her time in Braavos.

After that, we have “The Battle of the Bastards”, which I reckon will be the showdown between Jon Snerr (using Bear/Fit Bianca spelling) and Ramsay Bolton.

The finale will be the longest episode of GoT yet. It’s called “The Winds Of Winter”, the same name as GRRM’s upcoming book. I have a fair idea what’ll happen here. This’ll be that huge, but obvious spoiler I referred to a while back.

My question is is g RR martin his real name or some sort of tribute to the master j RR tolkien? mind you, not sure Galdalf ever called Saruman a cunt, or Frodo fucking his way through the whores of Rivendell.

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His real name is Graham, I like to think

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The Hound is back. Suddenly GoT is good again.

He was born George Raymond and added Richard as his confirmation name! Not clear whether this was a tribute to Tolkien but I don’t believe so

Wikipedia article

There should have been a Roger in there somewhere :lou_wink_2:

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I think the entire season has been pretty good.

We’re all used to something of a slow start, as we plod around and reacquaint ourselves with the aftermath of what’s gone before. We got that, but there was plenty of interesting stuff happening, be it death or revelation.

All the dominos have been set up now. Last three episodes are all about the pay-off.

Anyone got any predictions for big characters that might not be alive at the finale?

I’m just revisiting through the back catalogue - (current back on series 3 Ep 6 ) think we are appoaching sausage time…

I am not sure whether they are going to finish with a nice happily ever after or doom and - but Jon Snaar getting together with Deny has a North South united thing going for it, but I want to see Tyrion on the Throne.

I cant see Jaime or Cersei lasting the course. Sansa looks shakey. Hopefully Littlefinger will get his come-uppance soonish. You would think that Jon Snerr, Tyrion and Danny will all be there at the end but GoT doesnt roll like that does it?

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I can see Sansa growing a pair and stabbing Jon in the back…

She has more backbone now and is less of the frightened and faniciful little virgin and more the vengeful bitter wronged women. But now she has started to play the GoT does she have the nouse to stay alive? Others have people given them advice whereas Sansa seems to act on knee jerk instinct on her own. She has learned recently that just throwing the Stark name around isnt going to get her very far - especially as she has recently been a Bolton and a Lannister! She has dissed on of the few people on her side with a cool head and common sense, the Onion Knight, and she is not being straight with Jon Snerr. I cant see this ending well.

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I think Cersei and Tommen will go.

Margaery will be behind it.

We know she’s “playing” the Faith, and the show made a point of a couple of things. Cersei has no-one left in King’s Landing bar the Mountain and Qyburn. Margaery is not bonking Tommen, meaning that there is no heir. There are no more official Baratheons.

Margaery would be in prime position to take over.

Fvck. As if the show wasn’t omplicated enough…

Episode 9 is 60mins long and E10 is 69mins.

I’m far too excited considering I’m an adult!

Down vote for Ex-Trader. Not sure if that was a joke or not but either way felt a bit poor taste.

Woo hoo, so we are getting the Arya arc back on track, a face off between Jon Snerr and the Bolton flayer and by all accounts the Wight Walkers will have a go at The Wall in the finale, with some more main characters croaking along the way. Happy days!!

It’s Sunday, and in pre-GoT times, I’d be steeling myself for the week of work ahead. It’s Monday tomorrow! Looks like we’re going to see things move down south - the trailer has features characters down there.

I reckon bar any travelling, the Arya arc ends tomorrow. Cannot wait to see how it pans out - I do not think it is straightforward.

Odd episode.

Brilliant Hound! LOLs ‘‘you’re shit at dying, you know that!’’ classic Hound moment