Freaky sh*t from the 70s and 80s... or stuff that is disturbing

And who could forget this…

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Or this…


On retrospect they were some really scary times :joy:


Bloody hell, did the marketing team all get sacked for that?

Compaq did a load of ads featuring Cleese at the time; I’m guessing they were pretty successful. Some of them, such as the one I’ve posted, were genuinely quite funny (at least in my view).

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Looking back, they probably were at the time.

We’ve got a lot more sophisticated (allegedly) in the time since.

One of Hamlet’s best ads:

Featuring Gregor Fisher, later to achieve fame as Rab C Nesbitt.


And one of many great Heineken ads from the period:

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Earlier than the 70s - probably early 60s - there was a BBC drama serial A for Andromeda. An early example of great TV drama that, as a roughly 12 year old, utterly scared the shit out of me.

Sadly, in those days recordings weren’t saved and there is no record.

Read the thread title knobs, ‘Freaky shit’ not advert nostalgia FFS!

Yeah, I had just thought of that after my last few posts. I most humbly apologise.


Well you have been naughty, but a you have been suitably humbled, I accept your apology, just dont do it again!

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Then again, the Shake ‘n’ Vac one was pretty freaky.

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Oooo. I do love it when you show your dominant side. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::grinning:

Classy build up here for a homophobic murderer.

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A fucking travesty of a food product as well…:nauseated_face:


I don’t like Faggots…am I allowed to say that?


You can say whatever the fuck you like now that you’re a pensioner