Freaky sh*t from the 70s and 80s... or stuff that is disturbing

Ok… as a kid i remember I loved the HTV version of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Kidnapped with David McCallum… BUT… there was serious weird shit going down with the Title theme and despite it being set in Scotland and Irish American 'family ’ singing along to the theme tune… :grimacing:

In 1979

and scarily still going in 2017!!!

What stuff do you remember that is freaky and lets be honest a bit fucking suspect?


Yep, this is what I am talking about… freakishly concerning he is posing like a cheap plastic blow up doll… very concerning

Fuck… I remember that now… who the fuck ok’ed that!?

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Holy shitballs I had definitely repressed this :lou_surprised:


What, you mean like this one???

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:hushed: :flushed: :open_mouth:

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They’ve been shot with Homer’s make-up shotgun by the looks of it :face_with_monocle:

Mini-pops was seriously dodgy…

I see your Rolf Harris, and I raise you…



Oh lordy. We could fill up this thread with the protagonist of that second clip. Best not mention him again, though I did once work with someone who, as a young girl, had sat on his knee. She declined to say whether he had a massive cigar tube in his pocket.

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I’ll take that

I kept the bar high to begin with tbf.

I do recall one we saw at school was a careers advice film where they made surgical instruments and the one they showed was an anal retractor.

It might have been a home movie by our old D&T teacher. He had form apparently.

A freaky tune from the 70s…

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Is this the thread where all our childhood scars get brought out for a big @sotonians healing hug - apart from @SimplySaint and @JxgrSaint (& other “youngsters” obvs) because that would just be wrong…

I blame @pap for his finger of fudge memory earlier.
You lot just made it worse!