🇫🇷 France v Belgium 🇧🇪 @SimplySaint v @KRG - Tuesday 10th July 19:00

Local derby, let’s get to it

Who do you think is going to win

  • :fr: France after 90
  • :belgium: Belgium after 90
  • :fr: France after ET
  • :belgium: Belgium after ET
  • :fr: France on Pens
  • :belgium: Belgium on Pens

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Dont mention Derby or @Barry-Sanchez will be all over it saying the nightlife is better than Moscow Paris and Brussels.


Belgium to win 1-2 in normal time.

I concur, I think Belgium will have a little too much for Les Bleus.

Don’t mention La Belle Alliance…

I’ve got a feeling for Belgium too. France have shown themselves to be a bit shaky at the back, so it might be a high-scorer. I’m saying Belgium 3-2.

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I agree on Belgium, just think it will go longer than 90

Mass brawl, injuries, sendings off, extra time

That will do us


The bookies all have France as favourites so the money has gone on Belgium.

France will nick it after Belgium being the better team through out the game.

France will win 2-1 in ET and go on to win the world cup.

Yeah I’d forgotten that…especially if that ugly hirsute SOB starts too. If the ref takes my advice and books him for walking onto the pitch at the start of the game Belgium might just struggle to keep 11 on the pitch.


I am in South west France - goi g to be heading to village bar to support Les Bleus - rumour has there are a load of Belgians around as well - tonight is also Marche Gourmand night so good, wine, dancing and footie… could end up Bletchfaced…


A quick count indicates that 10 of the Belgian starting 11 play in England and 4 of the French 11 also play here.

Is it too early to state what a genius Southgate is for playing his reserves and long ball tactics against Belgium so they wouldn’t know what hit them in the Final?

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French marking and closing down is slow or non existent. Letting Belgium have the ball as much as they want.

Courtois, Toby, Vertongan, kompany is some back 4

The front 3 aren’t that bad either

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Are the French just looking to counter attacking by giving the ball to Mbappé?

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Fuck me Mbappe is quick

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I was about to say I would prefer the French in the final, but Mbappe would absolutely roast Macguire and Stones