
Does the boner give balance like weights on archery bows?

This is where it is getting out of hand in my opinion.

That is not a bow and arrow. Robin Hood will be turning in his grave.

If this is your feminism, I’m sorry girls, you can keep it.

Couldn’t agree more Bearsy, finely tuned athletes they are.

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I’m not sure this is Feminism tbh. It feels more like cracking down on Fitbody Privilege. No longer can tight buns gain you easy access to the walking and standing around industries! You’re gonna have to put them tight buns to graft shovelling sewage and collecting dustbins with the rest of us! Get with the programme, fitbodies! It’s 2018!


If they keep their boner in hand whilst walking behind the girls, I 'm pretty sure the femanists are going to grizzle a bit.

Hmmm http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-43576681

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I sure many of you saw this. I was quite shocked by it but then, I guess, I’m a man so would be surprised.

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Yeah, I saw that. He’s scum and I can’t thinking that if I’d seen that I’d have tackled him and called then police.

It’s good that France is passing a law to stop this sort of thing but if it’s drafted as the guardian suggests then I’m not sure it advances equality of the sexes.

The bill, which outlaws “annoying, following and threatening” a woman as well as making sexist comments, is scheduled to be adopted in the next week. Fines come into effect in the autumn.

Holy moly…can you believe this?

Indeed. Cue Daily Male (see what I did there) readers moaning about how it isn’t fair.

Meanwhile, in Newquay, a bouncer who thought he was able to do what he wanted gets his comeuppance.

The good old USA there. Wow just wow.


Could also go in the Tory section. Women taken back to 1950s as universal credit goes to abusive partners. Financial abuse is also domestic abuse.


What is feminism? To me its outdated, human rights and equality for all, feminism split itself trying to please all women and faiths and thats simply wrong, we’re all equal and thats it, thats what we all should be fighting for, if that makes me a feminist, fine but equality is of a greater concern not some liberal movement afraid of tackling religion.

What is feminism? To me its outdated, human rights and equality for all, feminism split itself trying to please all women and faiths and thats simply wrong, we’re all equal and thats it, thats what we all should be fighting for, if that makes me a feminist, fine but equality is of a greater concern not some liberal movement afraid of tackling religion.

If we’re all equal, as you say, why do want to discriminate against religious people?

Because religion views people as unequal, they don’t that word they use different which is bollocks, religion is also unproven so how can it have any standing for compliance?

I find your intolerance of religious people quite sickening. In my eyes we are all equal and everyone should be treated equally, religious or not, man or woman, black or white. Please let’s think about the world we want to leave our children and grandchildren. Let’s build a society of love and compassion. Please leave your religious bigotry aside. We are all humans. We all hold love in our hearts. Please look for the love in your heart, Barry.


Fuck that.

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