Sat 3pm ko -> I’m there. Have I missed anything?
Anybody fancy pre-match beers? And, depending on result, post-match?
Sat 3pm ko -> I’m there. Have I missed anything?
Anybody fancy pre-match beers? And, depending on result, post-match?
I will be up for a couple before.
As indeed will I.
High quality punnage.
Low quality tonnage.
I do indeed fancy pre and post match beers but will have to be BTripz no mates on this as I will not be in attendance at the game.
Pre match sounds like a plan. Can pass back the extra ticket I borrowed from @Fowllyd for the fun packed last home match…
Holy moley…currently stuck in Peterborough on the contract from hell. Whilst that gives me no excuse for Saturday, it’s made me so want to attend pre, post and post-post beers. Unfortunately “his shortleggedness” and I will be holed up in Carrotland for the weekend, so our presence is in spirit only. I shall raise a glass. Thanks for cheering me up. Mange tout. SCD
Stable works for me
Me and Bucks at the Stable
Well, it was at that point.