:saints: :pl: December's Games ⚽

How many points do we reckon we will pick up in December?
I’m going for a solid 11.

Brighton (A)
Sheffield United (H)
Arsenal (A)
Manchester City (H)
Fulham (A)
West Ham (H)

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Team Pred. Points
:brightonfc: Brighton (A) W 3
:sheffieldunitedfc: Sheffield United (H) W 3
:arsenalfc: Arsenal (A) L 0
:mancityfc: Manchester City (H) L 0
:fulhamfc: Fulham (A) W 3
:westhamfc: West Ham (H) D 1
Total 10

10 for me

  1. Point at Arsenal too

Team Pred. Points
Brighton (A) W 3
Sheffield United (H) W 3
Arsenal (A) W 3
Manchester City (H) D 1
Fulham (A) W 3
West Ham (H) W 3
Total 16

16 for me

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Now why did I know you were going to do that :slight_smile:

Probably because I believe that we should win every game and only give away points to teams that we have no chance of competing with in the terms of quality because they have a few shillings more than us.

I live in hope :slight_smile:

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Draws with Brighton, Arse and West hoof. Beat Sheffield and Fulham. Lose to citeh.



Be ecstatic with 9 (the road to 36 points)

Could take 12.

Predict 10 is possible & would make for a very merry Xmas.

Bit worried we are running out of steam in 2nd half of games & cant really rotate. Couple of knocks/suspensions could hurt us

11 sounds good to me, will also be happy with 9 or 10.

Keeping my fuckin’ mouth shut seeing how my Superbru predictions have gone this week. :unamused:


I’d take 10


Joking? Nope that is the only target we should have all those are winnable with the right performance, attitude and a bit of luck

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That is the target, just as winning the league is the target. What Goat wants to know is how many points we each anticipate us actually getting.

So, while I like your optimism, I fear it may be misplaced :thinking::grin:


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6 so far, happy days :lou_sunglasses:

To those of you who predicted 10 or less shame on you :lou_wink_2:


The Times has gone mad…predicting wins for us against both Arsenal AND City

And Liverpool!
