My my, our Conservative friends haven’t wasted any time since the election. So far, the benefit cap has been lowered again, surely accelerating the social cleansing of places like Central London, perhaps the birth of a genuine two-tier Britain.
The working poorish have been hit with the news that Working Tax Credits are going to be affected. Incidentally, I personally don’t agree with that policy myself - I just don’t think that the minimum wage announcements do anything to redress the loss; they weren’t bold enough. A minmum wage of a tenner an hour now would have been more realistic.
Student grants disappear forever,. Failing scholarships, every brain-rich but cash-poor student is either going to become a debtor or a don’t-bother.
That’s dovetailed with news that NHS admin services are being privatised and given to Capita, nicknamed “Crapita” by the wags over at Private Eye.
Cuts; they’re starting to bite, and universally. At what point, if any, will we get our poll tax moment? Will the public bite back?
They need to cut.
If only they had jailed the bankers and confiscated all their bonus cheques/assets and property for selling dodgy products creating insane products and general fraud they wouldn’t have needed to cut back.
If only they had acted against the scroungers and benefit cheats and wasters like that idiot the speaker earlier they coulkd have re-distributed some of that
If only they used the EU to tax bloody corporations properly. That is the real crime. Oh but that means Starbucks would pull out of the UK. So bloody what.
No matter what in life you can only ever spend what you earn. The issue is that for 40+ years every succesive Government put that off by front loading the future and expecting to inflate their way out of debt.
Now inflation has all but vanished that doesn’t work and it will get worse.
I nominate this thread for having the most fascinating title with the least interesting content.
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I actually thought it was a thread about Alistair Cook’s weakness as an opening bat when I saw the title.
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