Lines that totally ruined the moment.
For example
Film about the Vietnam War, The Green Berets. Colonel Mike Kirby (John Wayne) says to Vietnamese kid in the final line of the movie “You’re what this is all about.”
it is not possible to upvote that enough. Appauling writing and appauling acting. Saved only slightly by Natalie portman wearing some slightly kinky clothing
Top Gun - “I feel the need, the need for speed.”
Braveheart - “…they may take our lives, but they’ll never take our…FREEDOM!”
I’m taking a huge fucking liberty here. I’m submitting a whole movie. I’ve mentioned this loads before. It’s fucking awful.
‘‘I like tits, do you like tits?’’
‘‘I like my tits’’
Are you a Mexi Can or a Mexi Can’t ?
Schindlers list ?
Genre AKA as disappointing pornography