Compliments, really

I really enjoy this site, its nice to chat football and everything else, well done Pap and the lads for doing this.


Creep. (Downvoted)

Fucking trouble making cunt.

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Enjoying your train ride then Bletch ?


I’d have downvoted you too if I hadn’t already upvoted you.

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Do think there could be more golf though.

I thought he was a bit more active on here this morning??

How’s the head this morning / afternoon Bletch?

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All good, Cobber.

Not sure that Coast to Coast IPA is that strong and I didn’t stay in London long enough to do any real damage - except for pissing off a few people with my hair-trigger downvotes.


Baz redeeming himself :lou_lol:

Originally posted by @Bucks

Baz redeeming himself :lou_lol:

Shame there’s always one bad apple who has to ruin it, mentioning no names



Originally posted by @Bucks

Baz redeeming himself :lou_lol:

Or shamelessly seeking upvotes

Well played Barry, well played…


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Leave Barry alone. This is one of the first times I’ve seen him in the weekly leaderboards. Long may it continue.

Addressing the sentiment of the OP, thanks a lot. We try. Bletch always gets it right. I’m somewhat patchier on that front, but it’s nice to receive a bit of approbation from Barry. I specifically went over to the UI to get him, above the concerns of a couple of posters. I did this for a couple of reasons. First, the UI never really got Barry. Few that ever saw the BAP saga will forget that I met him before many of my fellow Sotonians.

Thinking about it now, that little meeting laid some foundations, or at least gave me a bit of understanding that I didn’t have before. Fair bit of humility, too. Barry and I didn’t argue on TSW as much thereafter. While I have to admit that I did spent two hours of my life subtitling Monty Python’s “Funniest Joke in the World” so that each time the joke was read out in German, it was translated as “Barry Sanchez & Glasgow Saint are credible posters”, it was a piss-take, not a call to get them banned. They both fell to axe-wielding mods shortly thereafter.

Lou and Bucks broke the mould by organising the TSW drinks, and people generally got to experience what happened during the epic BAP conclusion. People met each other and confounded expectations. Personally, I was just looking to be cleared of Aspergers, autism or whatever cognitive disorders I’d been labelled with. Broadly, that face to face contact did exactly the same thing with the wider group that happened with Bazza and me.

So the first reason I got Bazza was because I personally knew he was a misunderstood lad. People thought the worst of him after he’d drank a litre of paint-stripper (or whatever the fuck he’s on) and crafted a post. I’d met him in person and thought “ah, yeah, this not-so-subtle piss-taker reminds me of my uncle”. I couldn’t dislike him, and disliked the shite he was getting on the UI.

Second reason is that I knew people on here would give him a chance, especially Halo & Goatboy who were regular contributors to the BAP stuff. Barry has quickly reproduced some of his TSW form, and while that may upset people, what others often forget is that he promotes some serious discussion. Personally, I think he’s a pussycat compared to some of the vile bastards elsewhere, and a valuable contributor.

So thanks Barry, not only for the praise, but also for the prolonged lesson on how not to judge a book by its forum published cover.


Downvoted for turning into a glad-handed, back-slapping love-in.



Fairs fair, its a good site and I genuinely enjoy posting here, this is the only thread I am saying it on and burn after reading.


Upvoted because we try to _understand* _ :lou_sunglasses:

*Just trying to justify the cunt status, and perhaps get the “patronising cunt” bonus into the bargain.

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As we’re on a luvvie fest, I don’t think the gentle joshing and ribbing of Barry is in any way malicious - I personally like the way he can be (is) provocative on some the threads - sometimes bringing me to tears (of laughter) - took me a while to get his measure but the place wouldn’t be the same without him.

The bromance between Barry and Cherts in particular is a gem.
