:uefa_logo: Coming Soon - The Euro 2020 Sweepstake

Nah, @Bearsy was a right Caaaant, an Ursidaen cockwomble… I say to him ‘get back here if you are hard enough and lets rumble!’



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I make that 19 paid up players so far so there should be 5 spots left.

Waiting for @Polski_Filip to find enough wet string to get his 2G working…

@PhilippineSaint and I have badged a reserve spot just in case…

I’ll have a spare spot if you want - Let me know if available and I’ll cough up.

Shall we put a deadline on it?

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Why is @gavstar not in? !!!

Just washing down the nuked lasagne & will be done.
What is H on your mobile signal?

Hopeless maybe :thinking:

FFS You are joking.
What’s a fvcking Zip/Postcode?

Zip code = ‘murican postcode equivalent

@Goatboy can you DM me a normal account & address etc so I can do a normal bank transfer
Just Giving gets kicked off my transfer page for weird formatting & no postal address


Try typing 32/082 into any form on interwebs that’s not Polish!

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4th June? Week before it starts?

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Can you do PayPal?

Nope got hacked

FFS. I’ll make your donation and you can knock it off my rent when we come to stay.


A bottle of Cherry Vodka will be in the Van when you land


I thought. Oh maybe if I pretend to be foreign & pay in Euros it will have a different box.

It’s on my to-do list. I have been very busy looking for shopping trolley gifs.