:efl: Championship :saints: Saints v Huddersfield Town :huddersfieldtownfc:

Fixed. :wink::grin:

Mentally I reckon this galvanises us and cuts Ipswich adrift a bit - Leeds public enemy no. 1






Well fuck my old boots, I was on a night out in Thailand and was sneaking looks on my phone, saw we were losing 2-0, couldnā€™t believe it. Then we were level at 2-2, get in. Checked again on 75 minutes and we were losing 3-2 and gave up in disgust. Checked at full time, what? 5-3! get in you beauties, more beer was definitely called for. Happy days. Arrived back at 1-30 am, ever so slightly over refreshed. I have to say we look almost invincible after a result like that.


Looking invincible wasnā€™t the result - it was the beer

For some of it we looked invisibleā€¦.back to the bad old days of misplaced passes etc

Donā€™t know if they were overconfident, knackered or just having an off day.

It took the subs (& a Huddersfield OG) to make the difference. Joe Rothwellā€™s volley was sublime.


You may be onto something there Phil.


Che Adams has a calf problem

Not surprising really as he was Donkey like.

As with others, followed periodically on phone as was given ticket to Scotland v France and I do enjoy a good egg chance now and againā€¦

Like most thought that was the end of a magnificent runā€¦ but no, we go and do it againā€¦ Perfect!


Aussie Saints Match Report

Grab a seat, this may take a while.

SAS MATCH REPORT v Huddersfield

  • Today is Kyle Walker-Peters 150th game for Southampton and it still boggles the mind how 20 Premier League clubs have let another transfer window close without picking him up. Itā€™s like a $50 note going untouched for a whole day at a train station. Bonkers.

  • Ironically a win today would make it 150 games unbeaten and one look at the team sheet, particularly the attacking options on the bench, makes you think thatā€™ll be a mere formality.

  • Huddersfield, however, have other ideas as 11 human highlighters take the pitch with purpose and daring. Thereā€™s certainly no roadworks on the St Maryā€™s pitch as the Hi-Vis brigade here are all hard at work. Thankfully the aforementioned KWP makes the Huddersfield left-back drop his Stop/Go sign as he skates straight past only for the ball to gobbled up by their keeper, Lee Nicholls. More on Mr. Nicholls later.

  • To save time, and ink, we might need to skip through the rest of the first half at pace; card, penalty shout, slide tackle, slide tackle, card, Martin goes mad and ref reaches for a blue card he doesnā€™t have yet, injury, sub (Rothwell for Downes), another penalty shout, goal for them (sht), card, another goal for them (double sht), six minutes of added time, almost 3-0, Booooooooooooourns. HT 2-0 Huddersfield. At least we can concentrate on the Cup.

  • Our second sub is made at half time as the boos from those whoā€™d backed a 25-game unbeaten streak before the season still echo around the ground.

  • It looks like weā€™re right back into it with yet another penalty shout, but Howard Webbā€™s hirsute brother decides to book Manning instead for a dive. Hard to be sure either way, but Iā€™m just glad we didnā€™t have to wait for a couple of morons in a room 200 miles away to watch 140 replays. The Championship is all about action. Lots of action.

  • If itā€™s action you want itā€™s the SaintsWeb match thread when weā€™re losing you need. That place is mental and Iā€™ve just seen them label Rothwell the worst signing since Ali Diaaaaaaaaaa what the hell was that?! Something flashed across the screen at the speed of light and burnt a hole in the back of the net. What in the Roswell have we just seen. Get Mulder and Scully on the phone. 1-2

  • Just as Iā€™m trying to upload grainy footage of my sighting, itā€™s off to Roswell again as Brooksy from Bournemouth puts it on a plate, no a dish, for Rothwell. Itā€™s 2-2 and I can hear a Senegalese man in Germany turning on his TV.

  • The beauty of momentum in a game like this is that you just know that we canā€™t be stopped now that weā€™ve got it back to 2-2 from 2-0. Goal Huddersfield. 2-3.

ā€œSiri, show me a goal that best sums up the Championshipā€

  • Itā€™s almost game over as Bazunu pulls off a nice save to stop it going to 2-4. Itā€™s time for a few more subs as we bring on the frighteningly fast Kamaldeen and the frighteningly fleet of foot Edozie. If I was a Huddersfield defender right now Iā€™d be a little worried. Iā€™d also be highly visible. Almost as visible as the deliberate time wasting from Huddersfieldā€™s keeper. Instead of bringing on doctors for a made up injury he should be carded, twice. If the non-existant head knock was as bad as heā€™s carrying on heā€™ll likely be too concussed to make another save for the rest of the gameā€¦

  • This game has had absolutely everything you could think of so far. Oh, an own goal. Now weā€™ve had everything. 3-3. Tidy finish. No Vergininho but weā€™ll take it.

  • The most shocking thing now, 83 minutes in, would be for the game to finish 3-3. And thatā€™s exactly the case a few minutes later as the in form Frenchman, Sekou Mara, is the beneficiary of another beautiful dish served up from the Boscombe waiter. Cool finish. Cracking game. 4-3 Saints.

  • If I were to flick channels at this time of morning in Australia thereā€™s likely an overly energetic bloke selling kitchen knives to insomniacs with a catchphrase, ā€œbut wait, thereā€™s moreā€. Heā€™d be much better served working at St Maryā€™s today. Mara to Edozie. 5-3. What the absolute f*** is going on

  • The boos are now replaced by laughter as the board is raised with the numbers 13 on it. Thatā€™s either prediction of how many goals this game will finish with or the amount of minutes left.

  • Iā€™ve expended all my energy watching this and canā€™t remember a single thing from the last 13 minutes besides the final whistle. What a gloriously beautiful bizarre game that was. Itā€™s the sort of game weā€™ll be dreaming about when weā€™re 3-0 down at Old Trafford next season waiting 20 minutes for the VAR room to decide if United should be awarded a 4th penalty.

  • Thereā€™s a reason we call this the greatest league in the world and itā€™s days like today. Itā€™s the madness, the unpredictability, the sublime bits of skill, the pureness of the football and the complete lack of technological intervention.

  • Itā€™s impossible to summarize that game in a few words, but Iā€™ll give it a go:




That was a crazy game. We were 2nd best for a lot of the first half. I donā€™t blame Baz for either goals, they were hit very hard. Blame the defence for giving the Huddersfield players far too much space. 2nd half like a different team. Magnificent strike by Rothwell for the first and clever pass by Brooks for the second. AArm missed a clean through one on one that he should have buried then Huddersfield get the luckiest deflection for 3-2. By then Huddersfield are running out of gas and concede too much space down the left. Lees had to get something on Rothwellā€™s cross as it would have reached Sulemana - no telling whether he would have buried it though. Brooks again plays in Mara and he has managed to be in the right place to bury it. Then Mara manages to hold onto the ball in the 6 yard box and get it to Edozie who finishes. Would probably have been a penalty if Edozie hadnā€™t.
This side is capable of anything - from abject failure to brilliant victory


How long are you in Thailand for? We get there on the 2nd of March.

Oh thatā€™s a shame, I fly home on February 27th, it would have been great to meet you. Philippine Saint was in Bangkok a couple of weeks or so ago, I missed him too as I was travelling about. Went to Koh Chang, Samet, Kanchanaburi and a few other places. I stayed in Bangkok for the first few weeks as I have many friends there, just catching up really, but I find it too hectic now at my time of life! Three months have really flown by. Whereabouts are you planning on going?

Chiang Mai, then Krabi, Koh Lanta and Bangkok.

Chiang Mai is lovely as long as itā€™s not the burning season. Krabi is one of my favourite places in Thailand.

Iā€™ve not been to Krabi so Iā€™m looking forward to that. Iā€™m a big fan of Chiang Mai and the last time I went to Koh Lanta was 25 years ago so that will be interesting!

